With plenty of choice, it pays to shop around for new car deals

Renault Ireland announced its Jogger seven-seater has reached 1,000 sales so far this year

Eddie Cunningham

A lot of car companies here are coming up with new ways to get you to buy.

And, as ever, finance deals are one major way of sparking interest – when combined with a good price of course.

It is a good time to shop around and ask a few questions because it is highly competitive at the moment as garages try to get more orders on the books for the new year.

I think the most important question is to ask if the finance deal is based on the “full” price of the car (with no discount).

Or if it’s based on the net price, after a bit of discount and a decent price for your trade-in, if you have one.

Try to compare like with like in terms of spec, engine, interior and boot size.

That involves a bit of work but it is well worth the effort, I think.

It also can be a great bit of fun and anticipation.

Amid all the deals being offered I see Renault Ireland made the eye-catching announcement that its Jogger seven-seater has reached 1,000 sales so far this year.