Will 2024 be the year phone drivers finally get the message?

There’s no excuse for using a phone while driving. Stock photo: Getty

Eddie Cunningham

​My dream new year resolution would be to only have to mention driving while physically on the phone just this once in 2024.

But somehow, I don’t think that will be the case.

It seems to be ingrained in some drivers’ make-up and it is quite ­chilling when you see it.

Especially if the motorist is a ­mother or father driving with their children on board.

I believe those driving with one hand on the wheel and one on the phone don’t think about the consequences.

And I don’t think they set out to break the law.

It’s just that they don’t think – or if they do, they then forget quite quickly.

But there is no excuse in this day and age of hands-free facilities for anyone to ever drive while ­physically on the phone.

It would be great to not have to highlight this again this year, but what are the odds?