Running costs pushing drivers to ditch their cars, study shows

Two-thirds blame rising running costs for getting rid of second car, a GoCar survey shows

Eddie Cunningham

Nearly one in five motorists plan to get rid of their second car in the near future.

And two-thirds (65pc) say the rising costs of running a car would influence that decision.

But the convenience of doing the weekly grocery shop is keeping 78pc from doing so.

More than one-third (37pc) use their car to commute every day while 20pc would prefer to use it less.

Predictably, 70pc would be more likely to give up their car if public transport was better. Just 40pc of private car trips take 14 minutes or less.

The findings emerge from a GoCar survey – the company is a car-sharing service that allows members to book and use any car registered with the service.

Reasons given that would encourage drivers to bid their motor goodbye – apart from the costs of running a car – include wanting to cycle or walk more (41pc) and reducing their carbon footprint (35pc).