Kia targets electric vehicle sceptics with 48-hour ‘myth-busting’ test drive

Charging infrastructure can be examined in more detail with the extended test drive offer.

Eddie Cunningham

Kia has just launched a 48-hour electric vehicle test to encourage motorists to experience EV-driving for themselves.

It is aiming to counteract a lot of the recent negativity around ­owning a BEV – battery electric vehicle. Some of the negativity is justified, some is not.

kia ev

The plan is to answer any questions motorists have about BEVs by offering an extended test-drive period where driving range, charging infrastructure and cost savings can all be scrutinised in more detail.

Kia Ireland’s head of marketing, Cathal Kealey, said there are BEV sceptics out there who have never driven electric. “Electric vehicles have been embraced by early adopters but, like any new technology, it takes time to convince the majority of customers,” he said.

Education and myth-busting are key, he said, adding that the longer a person spends in the special-test cars, the more confident they will be with the new technology. “We believe this campaign can benefit anyone looking to change their car this year.”​