How to know when the time is right for switching to electric

A hybrid option is a good choice as you're not entirely reliant on a battery

Eddie Cunningham

I get lots of queries from motorists about what and when to buy.

Generally speaking, people want to know if they should continue with their diesel or petrol cars or buy a new hybrid or electric option.

There is no simple answer.

If you can adapt to electric without major change to your daily routine, there is a case to be made for the switch, especially where prices have been lowered.

Most people seem to feel the time isn’t right for them yet and are holding off until the dust settles.

They are used to filling up and not worrying about range.

A conventional or plug-in hybrid is an obvious choice in that they travel on battery some of the time, thereby saving on fuel.

The bottom line is that you should list the pros and cons for you personally as things stand.

If it means sticking with what you are used to for now, then so be it. Next time you’re buying a new car the choice will be easier as there will be more choice and less expensive EVs coming to the market .