Eddie Cunningham: Politicians must tell us what they can do to help reduce road deaths

A garda road traffic checkpoint in Dublin. Photo: Getty

Eddie Cunningham

​I feel ambivalent about talking to election candidates. On the one hand, I’m tired of hearing the same old promises. That’s not to criticise them, though.

Most are genuinely anxious to listen and hold out hope. But I feel I have heard it all.

On the other hand, there is one specific area of concern that I would like to put to them as someone involved with cars and motoring generally.

I’d love to really find out what they can do – as individuals or as party members – to reduce the appalling level of road tragedies in this country.

I know I am naive to expect much, but I want them to tell me: what can they bring to bear to get more gardaí back on the road? I’d like to know what they can do about changing driving habits.

Would they, for example, press for or agree to a year’s driving ban for someone caught holding a phone while driving?

We need drastic action. What can they do?