Eddie Cunningham: How we can all make this a special season on our roads and reduce deaths

Safe driving can reduce road deaths this Christmas

Eddie Cunningham

​Maybe it is too early to ascribe the advent of the goodwill season to some of the most polite behaviour I have experienced from other road users in a long time this past week.

Other drivers let me out onto the main road when normally they’d have the so-called yellow box crammed with their cars in such a hurry to get going.

They didn’t speed. They didn’t hang on for dear life by clinging to the outside lane of the motorway creating a dangerous tailback.

They didn’t pass on the hard-shoulder and swerve back in front of me after doing so.

They didn’t tail-gate me with headlights flashing and eyes bulging.

They didn’t blow the horn when I dawdled at the lights thinking of Christmases past.

And they didn’t run yellow lights when before they chanced an early red.

Maybe I drove better and more comfortably than usual because of all this.

All I know is it is never too early to be bathed in the warmth of such goodwill.

I sincerely hope it lasts for a long, long time.

But I fear the stark reality that many deaths will overshadow our roads around Christmas as has been the case for so many now.

It doesn’t have to be. It is down to you and me to do whatever we can.

Without speeding and alcohol, this could be a happy Christmas for many families who might otherwise be destroyed by tragedy.