Be aware of your parking – don’t make life difficult for others

The guilt hit me when I realised I had blocked in an older man

Try to be considerate of other drivers parked near you. Photo: Getty

Eddie Cunningham

I was so happy with myself. I’d squeezed into a tiny parking spot that no one else would try. But for some reason I managed it.

There was hardly enough space to slot in a matchbox, front or rear.

I just happened to see what sort of space the cars behind and in front of me had and it was so tight I couldn’t see their drivers getting them out with my car still there.

But as I wasn’t planning on being away too long, I reckoned I’d be back and out of their way before they returned.

How wrong I was.

I was greeted by the sight of an older man sitting patiently but annoyed at the wheel of the Mercedes in front.

Guilt replaced my pride. I had been away too long and God knows how much I had delayed him.

I should have parked with more consideration. So should a lot of ­others. But that’s no excuse for me.