Diarmuid Gavin: How to get your garden back into shape

Now is the time to clear up winter debris, plant perennials and put slugs to work on your compost heap

Long-handled tools are easier to use and kinder on your back

Diarmuid Gavin

When March arrives, it’s high time to get out into the garden again. This month is often full of surprises weather-wise — a balmy spring day can be followed by a bitter cold snap. Either way, there are plenty of jobs to be getting on with to have the garden ship shape for summer. Plus, you don’t want to miss all the gorgeous flowers as spring bulbs emerge from the ground and trees burst with white and pink blossom.

So, first take stock of your gardening tools and see what’s missing, needs repair or sharpening. Basic items include thick gardening gloves, secateurs, compost bags and a ball of twine. Long-handled tools such as hoes, forks and spades are easier to use and kinder on your back, and a gardening kneeler is handy as well.