Restaurant review: ‘This old favourite never wavers from the very high standards it set itself when it opened a decade ago’

Our food critic revisits Dublin’s Etto for a stylish and delicious dining experience that only continues to get better

Etto. Photo: Steve Humphreys

Katy McGuinness

I’ll come clean from the outset. Before heading away on holiday a couple of weeks ago, I had filed the copy for this week’s review. It was of another restaurant in Dublin city centre, not Etto.

But while I was sitting on the tarmac in Dublin, waiting for my flight to depart, in landed an email from the owner telling me that he was going to have to close for a couple of weeks to sort out an issue with the building. My fingers were firmly crossed that he was being pessimistic, but — sadly for me and much more so for him — midway through my holiday, he told me a couple of weeks had turned into the whole summer. A replacement review was needed.