Good Day Deli review: ‘A roll call of the best ethical and organic suppliers in Cork and their fish tacos with cult status’

Good Day Deli in Nano Nagle Place, Cork city

Katy McGuinness

Talk of sustainability is everywhere in the restaurant business these days, much of it pretty meaningless. Sustainable has become one of those words that every restaurant likes to bandy about — like local and seasonal — yet in many cases, it doesn’t add up to a whole lot.

That’s not the case at Good Day Deli in Cork city, where owners Clare Condon (from Cork) and Kristin Makirere (from New Zealand, with Cook Islands heritage) have woven meaningful sustainability through the very fabric of their restaurant. The supplier list is a roll call of the best ethical and organic suppliers in Cork; even the flowers on the table are local, from Between the Briars in Glanmire.