
Nov 10, 2013
If you really think about it, all time spent on games is equal. Whether you spend 1,000 hours on American Truck Simulator or Elden Ring, it is still 1,000 hours playing a game. No game is better or worse, or more or less sad, to spend time on than any other.

I sometimes feel bad about this, but people spend countless hours doing all kinds of things in their free time. I guess it could be something productive, like volunteering, or working a second job for extra money. But the way I see it is, it is a way to relax, and the zen or chill type games have a place.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
just said it makes me sad.

UE 5 looks great and Descendants shows off its ability to do large environments and translucent materials. They are far more talented than the PalWorld team.

And one of my seasons rewards was a hamster on a wheel you wear on your back. I really love it. I’ll get bored but despite being a predatory micro transaction game they did get two things right: it’s a ton of fun to play and a world wide multiplatform launch. It’ll stay for a while.

But you can tell there are reflective surfaces and cavernous or vast landscapes just because why not, it’s easy. Game looks great over all.


Nov 10, 2013
I bought the expansion pack. I can now travel to more of America including the pacific northwest.

The game basically consists of driving, but also has a truck management sim meta game in which you start and manage garages of truckers around the country. I now have 5 garages with my own Volvo trucks, and am basically printing money, to the point where the only object of more money would be more garages to make even more, etc.

I am starting to finally tire of the gameplay, which is fairly basic if you don't turn on the traffic tickets and "realism", but I have gotten my money's worth for sure here.


Nov 10, 2013
Oh and Clam, a major tip is to mod it out. Go to steam's workshop page and download some of the mod packs. You can then activate the mods very easily from the loading screen when you launch the game.

Several people have compiled some of the most popular ones. Look under the most subscribed tab for the best ones. One I like in particular replaces the generic signs on buildings and advertisements on trucks with ones from real businesses. So the gas stations as Exxon, the trucks are advertising Walmart logos, the burger joints are In n out, etc. It adds a lot to the realism.



Prime Member
May 17, 2012
UE 5 is really good in Descendant. Large open environments; translucent, reflective surfaces all over; games running very stable with blazing fast gameplay.

And these developers are good but they aren’t brilliant. UE 5 makes a good showing here.


Jes' fine
Jun 4, 2012
Oh and Clam, a major tip is to mod it out. Go to steam's workshop page and download some of the mod packs. You can then activate the mods very easily from the loading screen when you launch the game.

Several people have compiled some of the most popular ones. Look under the most subscribed tab for the best ones. One I like in particular replaces the generic signs on buildings and advertisements on trucks with ones from real businesses. So the gas stations as Exxon, the trucks are advertising Walmart logos, the burger joints are In n out, etc. It adds a lot to the realism.

Thanks, I'll do that.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Didn’t realize Descendant was making a splash and lots of hate. Tired of hearing people bitch about not so micro transactions. Don’t play. But canceled a couple YT subs because they are wasting my time bitching about greedy developers.

That’s how entitled happens. You’re so well off you’ve got energy to waste worrying about a game that’s expensive.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
So my hamster and wheel in descendant looks like something NASA would make. You wear it on your back on it’s got a plastic material that’s translucent and reflective. As I walk around the world it reflects everything. Her head is also covered in a space helmet that is the same material or close to it.

UE 5 is impressive. It’s actually very cool. And I get no sense the game is chugging or struggling with massive environments and lighting. It feels like a game very much in the comfort zone of what it can do.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019
So my hamster and wheel in descendant looks like something NASA would make. You wear it on your back on it’s got a plastic material that’s translucent and reflective. As I walk around the world it reflects everything. Her head is also covered in a space helmet that is the same material or close to it.

UE 5 is impressive. It’s actually very cool. And I get no sense the game is chugging or struggling with massive environments and lighting. It feels like a game very much in the comfort zone of what it can do.
It ran pretty well on my laptop. Granted, I have an i7-13700HX with a 4060 GPU, so my laptop is pretty good.

It supports DLSS with frame-generation too, so I was able to get around 120fps at 1440p high settings. With DLSS turned off, I was doing around 90fps at 1440p medium settings.


Nov 10, 2013
I am back on Elden Ring, knocking out some bosses in the Mountaintops of the Giants zone before I plunge into the DLC. But I am finally in the actual zone where you access it.


Nov 10, 2013
I tried to pick up Elden Ring yesterday but wasn't really feeling it. I'm right at the DLC but it took me so long to get here I think I am no longer in the mood and may need a palate cleanser game!


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Once Descendants gameplay clicks, and you master or start to master the grappling hook, it’s brilliant fun.

All its vapid problems aside, Descrndants is a really, really fun game that runs well.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
I might be done with Octopath 2. It's just so much inane story, and I don't really enjoy the boss fights, which seem to be a big part of the game.

Maybe if it was shorter, but I think I have 30-40 hours to go.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
We will see how Descendants gets updated. The hard mode is pretty bad and reveals its cash grab nature. It’s just DPS checks with timed boss fights. It’s really bad. Gameplay loop that was fun gets chucked out the window.


Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
I might be done with Octopath 2. It's just so much inane story, and I don't really enjoy the boss fights, which seem to be a big part of the game.

Maybe if it was shorter, but I think I have 30-40 hours to go.
OT is all story. That is the nature of the series.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Up late beating boss. People are insanely stupid so I don’t know if it’s actually intended to be a mechanic that makes you pay, but it’s clear that most people make it to hard more getting carried. They don’t even understand reading the screen to join the battle.

But….. it’s awesome fun playing a game that’s hard online. And the character I am playing requires reallly attentive play. Maybe if this washes out the Helldivers it’s a good thing.

Yeah it’s Helldivers. That is to say simple bros who don’t understand anything but hold trigger. Descendant lets you get away with that for so long but then you gotta play the game.

Wish I had a video montage of all the fails from last night.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019
Yeah it’s Helldivers. That is to say simple bros who don’t understand anything but hold trigger.
Nah man, that's not Helldivers at all. Helldivers II has difficulty levels 1-9, and people will get their ass kicked on anything level 5+ if they don't play with the appropriate strategy and skill. It's not a mindless shooter. Level 9 is madness.

Who are you playing as in Descendant? I've heard Bunny is a cut above everyone else.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Nah man, that's not Helldivers at all. Helldivers II has difficulty levels 1-9, and people will get their ass kicked on anything level 5+ if they don't play with the appropriate strategy and skill. It's not a mindless shooter. Level 9 is madness.

Who are you playing as in Descendant? I've heard Bunny is a cut above everyone else.
You’re going to need to switch around so I wouldn’t say you play as any one character. I mainly play Gley whom I unlocked. Gley or Valby, with Freyna has a third. I have Bunnies best gear or most of it too. I have basic Bunny not Ultimate.

You can tune bunny to be OP feeling but bunnies failed hard against first Hard boss. He’s strong against electric attack.

Yeah but there’s shooter hard and …. Can you read hard. You’ve got to use your cooldowns at the right time; you’ve got to keep sustained DPS up; you’ve absolutely got to attack with elements their weak to and have the proper resistance.

Helldivers might get twitch hard this is read a book hard. All the fails I’ve seen… oh man. And yeah, it’s obvious they didn’t read. And it is the Halo and Helldiver and CoD bros.

They time locked the bosses. You can’t skeeze around it or flop face first through it. You’ve got to read a few pages and then play well.

Before long the “I win” buttons will come out to people who read though. I can already see a Gley infinite rocket launcher ammo build.
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Prime Member
May 17, 2012
And if you play bunny, play like a bunny. The faster you move and the more you double jump the more damage your AOE does. So spec into skill extensions and cooldowns.

It’s a lot of fun, but think defensively even though you’re always attacking. Tired of picking over confident bunnies up off the ground.


Nov 10, 2013
I thought about downloading that game for a few seconds earlier this week before deciding it was just not for me. I'm not a big online shooter guy.

I recently took my Switch lite out of mothballs and charged it up because I was curious how it would be to take on the commuter train to NYC versus the Steam Deck. It's way better, because it is way smaller and simpler to operate. The Deck is big and clunky to carry around all day in a backpack, but the Switch Lite is not even noticeable in the bag alongside a laptop, it's tiny.

My kid was interested in playing Animal Crossing, which is why we initially unearthed it and started using it, but she seems bored with gaming and just wants to read books right now. I'm not complaining.


Nov 10, 2013
Also, I played a little Octo II myself last night and was kind of disappointed. There is a lot of exposition in the early game. I didn't finish the first one and I think I'm remembering why now.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Descendants is hypnotically addictive. Helps that I’ve had a ton of fun playing with people. So much fun. But I think they have a crack psych on the team. I know it’s manipulative and I don’t care.

It is the gameplay through. It’s a ton of fun and has gotten better. I will still burn out by 150 hours. Maybe 250. Maybe.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019
I was a fan of the first Hellblade. Got 100% achievements. But the sequel feels so slow and tedious. I’m not feeling it.

I picked up The Solitaire Conspiracy yesterday for $3 on Steam. @OneBigClam I see you played this one years ago. A twist on Solitaire with a story. That’s worth $3 and a shot from me.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019
Tchia is on game pass now. Console and PC.

PC Gamer gave it high praise. I'm gonna play that soon.



No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019
I read that it was basically a kid game, a good kid game, but a game for younger kids.
It’s basically like A Short Hike or Lil Gator Game. That’s what I feel like I’m playing. Though, I think those games had more interesting dialogue.

Now that I’m off the beginner island, the game has opened up a lot more. There are a variety of ways to traverse the land. A good amount of mini games and activities. You can unlock the map by finding flags (like Assassin Creed towers) which show where everything is. The climbing is like Zelda. You have a glider.

It’s a chill game. I was relaxing on the couch playing while my dog was sleeping in my lap. It’s like that.

Short game too. I think I’m already halfway through.
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Nov 10, 2013
So I see that Cities Skylines II is one of the trending games on GP. Is it good @DevilDancer ? I can't recall if anyone else in here liked the series. I never got into it but I'm tempted to try it again.


Nov 10, 2013
I'm jumping around all over the place right now with my gaming, but the good news is I am on vacation so I have some time.

I reinstalled Forza Horizon 5, which I don't think I had done since getting a new computer. It looks spectacular on my 1440p monitor, which allows fps of up to 165 with g-sync. I am using my 4070 card's DLSS and other functions to simulate some frames and it is running great in extreme settings.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Build guides should be banned. Punishable by a fine and 6 months in prison. I looked at a few and they just explain the information the game already gives you, usually worse. It’s sad that kids (20 something) think this is a skill.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
Build guides should be banned. Punishable by a fine and 6 months in prison. I looked at a few and they just explain the information the game already gives you, usually worse. It’s sad that kids (20 something) think this is a skill.
I don't know having someone like do all the math for me seems desirable.


Jes' fine
Jun 4, 2012
I wonder how Windows works with new computers. I'd need to use 11, right? Is that a download now, or can you still buy a physical copy?


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019
I think I’ve seen physical copies at places like Best Buy but I’m not sure if it’s just a digital code inside.

New PCs typically come with Windows 11 preinstalled.


Jes' fine
Jun 4, 2012
I think I’ve seen physical copies at places like Best Buy but I’m not sure if it’s just a digital code inside.

New PCs typically come with Windows 11 preinstalled.
Any issues with 11 that you know of, like backwards compatibility with older games?


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019
Any issues with 11 that you know of, like backwards compatibility with older games?
I feel like I remember hearing about some issues when 11 was new, but not sure how things are now.

I imagine there are workarounds for most issues people would have, or some sort of backward compatible mode.


Nov 10, 2013
Clam, I am not sure where you live, but Micro Center has great pre-built computers, if you live near them or feel comfortable buying online from them. That's where I got my latest. They use all brand name parts to build these things and they are of high quality. This one for $750 for example is a very good deal IMO.