Biden Grapples With Debate Fallout, Supreme Court Decision On Trump Immunity: Live Updates

It's been a wild week in the 2024 presidential campaign.

President Joe Biden is still dealing with the political fallout of his weak performance at the 2024 presidential debate, while former President Donald Trump is celebrating a “big win” after the Supreme Court’s ruling in his immunity case.

The two presumptive presidential nominees met face-to-face for the first time in the 2024 election cycle at a debate hosted by CNN last Thursday. Biden’s unsteady performance there has dominated the headlines since, leading some Democrats to privately question if he should step aside as the Democratic nominee.

On Monday, the Supreme Court handed Trump a victory when it released its opinion on Trump v. U.S., which declares that Trump has complete legal immunity for actions during his presidency that were “official” in nature, although not for those that were “unofficial.”

The ruling makes it highly unlikely that Trump’s trial on charges related to inciting the riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, will take place before the November election. It also complicates his other ongoing legal proceedings, including his recent hush money conviction.

Follow along below for live updates on the presidential race:

MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace Says 'Conversations' Happening Among Democrats About Joe Biden’s Performance

Immediately after the presidential debate concluded, MSNBC anchor Nicolle Wallace said she got on the phone early in the debate, when it became clear that Biden was struggling to communicate.

“There is a conversation happening inside Biden’s circle, and certainly a much more frank conversation happening inside the Democratic coalition,” she said.

Asked by fellow MSNBC host Rachel Maddow what those conversations were, Wallace said they ranged from “whether he should be in this race tomorrow morning, to what was wrong with him.”

She added that she spoke directly with a Biden aide, who said, “We can’t necessarily spin too much what people did see and hear.”

And We’re Done With The First Presidential Debate

That’s a wrap on the first presidential debate between Biden and Trump. The two are scheduled to face off again on Sept. 10 in a debate hosted by ABC News.

Trump Uses Closing Statements To Attack Biden: We Are 'Living In Hell'

In his closing remarks, Trump attacked Biden, claiming Americans have been "living in hell" and "the whole country is exploding."

"He doesn't do anything, all he does is make our country unsafe," Trump said, after calling Biden a "complainer."

Donald Trump Won’t Say If He Will Accept Election Results

Trump was asked three times — the most that CNN’s moderators have pushed either of the candidates during this debate — if he will accept the results of the presidential election, regardless of who wins. Three times, he refused to say yes.

Asked if he would denounce political violence in any form, Trump answered: “Well I shouldn’t have to say that, but of course I believe that.”

The Republican’s answers kept veering into jabs at Biden’s tenure in the White House, leading Bash to repeat her question and give him another opportunity to say whether he would accept the results.

Trump eventually said that he would “absolutely” accept the results, as long as the election is “fair” and “legal” in his eyes. The candidate claimed he would rather be anywhere else, but decided to run again because he believes Biden has done a poor job as president.

In response, Biden said that he does not believe Trump would accept the election results, saying he continues to push the lie that the 2020 election was rigged.

“I doubt you’ll accept it because you’re a whiner,” Biden said. “Something snapped in you when you lost last time.”

Joe Biden Makes His Closing Statements

Biden’s closing arguments focused on taxes and the economy, one of the most important issues to voters.

“We have to make sure we have a fairer tax system,” Biden said, adding about Trump: “This guy has increased your taxes because of the deficit, increased inflation because of the debacle he left after the way he handled the pandemic.”

He also promoted his administration’s work to lower the cost of insulin from $400 a month down to $35.

“We're going to bring down inflation and give people a break,” Biden promised.

Donald Trump Falsely Claims He Never Called Neo-Nazis 'Very Fine People'

When Biden reminded viewers that Trump, in 2017, said there were “very fine people” on “both sides” of the deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virgina, Trump replied that Biden had “made up the Charlotteville story.”

“It’s been debunked all over the place,” Trump said. “Every reasonable anchor has debunked it.. Just the other day it came out where it was fully debunked. It’s a nonsense story and he knows that.”

When Trump said “just the other day” he was likely referring to an article on Snopes, the typically reliable fact-checking site, which published a confusing, hair-splitting article claiming Trump hadn’t actually called neo-Nazis in Charlottesville “fine people.” Snopes argued that while Trump did say at a 2017 press conference that there were “very fine people” among the protesters and counter-protesters at the “Unite The Right” rally, he also said white nationalists and neo-Nazis should be “condemned totally” during the same press conference. For Snopes, this was enough to absolve Trump.

But, as noted by Parker Malloy in The New Republic, what Snopes failed to understand was that this was a classic case of Trump doublespeak. The fact is — as HuffPost reported from the ground — all of the participants in the “Unite The Right” rally were either white supremacists, or far-right extremists who had noproblem marching alongside obvious, swastika-flag carrying white supremacists. So when Trump said they were “very fine people,” that’s who he was talking about.

That Trump cited Snopes during the debate is ironic, given that the site has debunked thousands of the former president’s claims.

Donald Trump Boasts About His Cognitive Health – And His Waistline

Trump was up next to address concerns about his age.

“I took two cognitive tests. I aced them, both of them, as you know. We made it public. He took none. I'd like to see him just take one, a real easy one. Go through the first five questions, he couldn't do it,” Trump charged against Biden.

The creator behind one of the cognitive tests Trump took has said some of the ex-president’s comments about the test don’t line up with what’s actually in the exam.

Trump also took the question as an opportunity to boast about his physical health.

“I think I'm in very good shape. I feel that I'm in as good a shape as I was 25-30 years ago. Actually, I'm probably a little bit lighter,” he said.

Debate Devolves Into Bickering About Candidates' Golf Game

Trump answered a question about his age by mentioning his golf game — claiming Biden couldn’t “hit the ball 50 yards.” In his response, Biden said he would be "happy to have a driving contest” with his opponent, noting his handicap was "down to a six" during his time as vice president.

“By the way, I told you before, I’m happy to play golf if you carry your own bag. Think you can do it?” Biden asked.

Trump began to answer, with Biden appearing ready to hit back, until the moderators began to interject — prompting Trump to say, “Let’s not act like children.”

As Donald Trump And Joe Biden Spar, RFK Jr. Debates A Jumbotron

On stage in a studio in Los Angeles, independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy watched Biden and Trump on a livestream broadcasted on a giant screen and proceeded to give his own answers to the debate questions in front of a live audience.

Kennedy's campaign livestreamed this solo debate performance on X, formerly known as Twitter, and on as counter-programming to the official presidential debate.

The independent candidate's livestream featured an altered version of CNN's debate split screen of Biden and Trump, adding a third box with a video stream of Kennedy.

Donald Trump Finally Said 1 True Thing At The Presidential Debate

It sounded like a quote from the 1998 sports comedy film "The Waterboy," featuring Adam Sandler.

Asked if he’d take any action to address the climate crisis if reelected, Trump painted himself a champion of clean water.

“I want absolutely immaculate clean water and I want absolutely immaculate clean air. And we had it. We had H2O,” he said. “We had the best numbers ever.”

One thing is true: the U.S. did have H20 during his presidency. But during Trump’s first term, Trump rolled back decades of clean water protections.

“I don’t know where the hell he’s been,” Biden said in response. “The cleanest water? The cleanest water? He hasn’t done a damn thing for the environment.”

Joe Biden Says His Record In Office Overcomes Concerns About His Age

Bash asks Biden how he’d respond to concerns that he will be 86 at the end of a second term in office.

“First of all, I spent half of my career being criticized for being the youngest person in politics,” the president said. “I was the second-youngest person ever elected to the United States Senate. Now, I'm the oldest. This guy's three years younger and a lot less competent.”

“Look at my record, look at what I’ve done,” Biden added. “I’ve turned around the horrible situation he left me.”

CNN Moderators Offer Little Pushback During Rambling, Falsehood-Filled Debate

Despite incorporating rules like microphone control and no audience, the two candidates have still been allowed to ramble on with close to no pushback by CNN's Tapper or Bash.

As the debate nears the end, Trump is increasingly turning his time reserved for answering questions into his usual rant full of falsehoods, insults and racism. Despite this being central to the former president’s personality, CNN appears unwilling to combat it with accountability and fact-checking.

Biden himself is also not immune, starting sentences that trail off while buying into Trump’s name-calling bait and returning the insults. It’s unclear what the point of debate is, if neither candidate is held accountable for answering the actual question posed to them with facts.

FACT CHECK: Joe Biden Lowered Insulin Prices — Not Donald Trump

Trump says he’s the one he brought down insulin prices for seniors, not Biden.

Uh, not quite.

Trump introduced a program under which the private insurance companies that handle prescription coverage would offer insulin for $35. But it was a pilot program with a time limit and it was voluntary, and it didn’t have to apply to all insulin products.

Biden’s initiative -- which is part of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) -- is permanent and mandatory, and applies to all insulin products in Medicare.

This briefing and graphic from the non-partisan research organization KFF illustrates the differences nicely.

By the way, the insulin change was just one of several drug pricing initiatives in the IRA. Among the others is a provision allowing the federal government to negotiate the prices of some drugs directly with manufacturers, which is how other countries keep their drug prices so low.

As president, Trump talked a lot about bringing down drug prices and introduced a few initiatives, but when legislation in Congress had a chance to pass, Trump wouldn’t or couldn’t get it through.

Donald Trump Completely Ignores Question On Cost Of Child Care — Twice

Faced with a question about the increasing cost of child care across the country, Trump immediately pivoted, ignoring the question entirely as he accused Biden of never firing people in his administration or the U.S. military.

Tapper did not push back, merely thanking Trump for his response.

Given a chance to respond, Biden first hit back on Trump’s accusations, saying, “We are the most admired country in the world. We're the United States of America. There's nothing beyond our capacity. We have the finest military in the history of the world.”

The president then addressed child care, saying he would like to increase the child care tax credit.

Given one more chance to answer the question on child care, Trump failed. He claimed Biden wanted to raise taxes.

Donald Trump, Joe Biden Didn't Speak Or Look At Each Other During The Break

Trump and Biden both stared straight ahead during the first commercial break as photographers took photos, according to a White House pool report, which comes from a reporter who travels with the president each day.

The pool report said Biden and Trump did not say anything or make eye contact. Trump took a sip of water, and Biden smiled at the photographers.

FACT CHECK: No, Joe Biden Never Called Black People ‘Super Predators’

Instead of answering a question about how he’d address climate change, Trump decided to attack Biden on crime and accused him of repeatedly calling Black people “super predators.”

“What he's done to the black population is horrible,” Trump said, “including the fact that, for 10 years, he called them ‘super predators’ in the 1990s. We can't forget that. ‘Super predators’ was his name, and they've taken great offense to that.”

But Biden neverused those words. That was Hillary Clinton, who used the term in a 1996 speech in support of a crime bill that’s since been heavily criticized for disproportionately imprisoning Black Americans.

Then-Sen. Biden actually pushed back against that term the following year, saying “most of the youth involved in the system are not the so-called ‘super predators.’”

Biden appeared outraged and looked around the debate stage while Trump made the accusation.

Donald Trump Claims U.S. Had ‘Immaculate’ Air And Water Despite Efforts To Roll Back Climate Protections

Trump gets a questions about his climate policies.

“I want absolutely immaculate clean water and I want absolutely immaculate clean air,” he said. “We had the best numbers ever and we were using all forms of energy, everything.”

“During my four years I had the best environmental numbers ever," he continued.

In fact, the Trump administration rolled back more than 100 environmental rules and withdrew the U.S. from the landmark Paris climate agreement. Many of those rules were meant to protect air quality and waterways. The Trump White House also expanded drilling access and touted polluting fossil fuels.

Biden has rolled back many of those plans and reinstated the U.S.’ participation in the Paris climate deal.
(Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Donald Trump Says The 1 Sentence We Never Thought We'd Hear At A Presidential Debate

Biden dug into the multitude of criminal allegations against Trump, asking about the “billions of dollars in civil penalties” leveled against him, including his defamation verdicts in lawsuits filed by the writer E. Jean Carroll. Biden went on to point to the porn star Stormy Daniels’ allegations they had an affair, the basis for Trump’s hush money trial where he was found guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records.

Trump rejected those claims.“I didn’t have sex with a porn star,” the former president said. “That case was started and moved and they moved a high ranking official into the Manhattan DA's office to start that case. That case will be appealed and won.”

Joe Biden Finally Reminds Everyone Of Donald Trump's Legal Woes

For the first half of the debate, no one mentioned the elephant in the room: Trump recently becoming the first former president to be convicted of felony crimes.

Last month, Trump was criminally convicted of 34 felonies for falsifying business records to cover up a hush-money payment to a porn star just before the 2016 election.

While discussing the Jan. 6 Capitol riot nearly 45 minutes into the debate, Biden finally reminded everyone about some of his opponent's legal troubles.

“Trump is a convicted felon,” Biden said.

Trump defended his recent legal woes, reiterating his past remarks on how the system is rigged, and took a dig at Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, who was convicted earlier this month on three felony charges related to the purchase of a revolver in 2018.

“His son is a convicted felon… Joe could be a convicted felon with all that he’s done,” Trump retorted. “This man is a criminal. I did nothing wrong.”

NBC: Sources Say Joe Biden Has A Cold

The president does sound hoarse.

Donald Trump Says His Irish American Opponent Is ‘Like A Palestinian’

During the topic of Israel’s ongoing military offensive in Gaza, Trump said that Biden – the Irish American president of the United States – has “become like a Palestinian,” an attempt to insult his Democratic opponent.

Biden was asked by Tapper about his ongoing support for Israel’s military campaign, which has so far killed more than 37,000 Palestinians in retaliation for Hamas’ attack on Israel that killed 1,200 on Oct. 7 and took hundreds hostage. The president answered by saying the U.S. continues to send weapons to Israel while working to broker a cease-fire deal.

“The only one who wants the war to continue is Hamas,” Biden falsely said.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that he would continue the war even after reaching a potential cease-fire deal.

Trump also refuted Biden’s claim, but doing so in support of Netanyahu and his far-right government essentially wiping Gaza off the map.

“Let him finish the job,” Trump said of Netanyahu. “[Biden] doesn’t wanna do it, he’s become like a Palestinian. But they don’t like him because he’s a very bad Palestinian, he’s a weak one.”

Joe Biden Hits Back At Donald Trump Over Threat To Use Government To Persecute Enemies

“My retribution will be a success,” Trump said after being asked about comments he has made about seeking retribution against political enemies in the wake of all his various legal troubles post-presidency.

Over the course of his response, Trump said both “I did nothing wrong” and “I didn’t have sex with a porn star,” a reference to his New York criminal hush money trial. Trump suggested Biden may end up a convicted criminal for all the “horrible” things he has done.

Biden replied: “The idea that I did anything wrong relative to what you're talking about is outrageous. It is simply a lie.”

He added that it was “simply wrong” that any president had the right to seek “retribution.”
Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Donald Trump Dodges Questions On Role In Jan. 6 Insurrection

Tapper tried to ask Trump about his oath to defend the Constitution and if he had broken that vow on Jan. 6, 2021. The former president did not answer the question, or a follow-up, instead saying the country was thriving on that day.

“On Jan. 6 we had a great border. On Jan. 6 we were energy independent, we had the lowest taxes ever, we had the lowest regulation ever,” Trump said. “We were respected all over the world. And then he comes in, we’re now laughed at.”

When Tapper asked again, Trump said he didn’t egg his supporters on, instead attempting to lay blame on then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

It took the moderators 40 minutes to bring up the capitol insurrection.

The riot resulted in several deaths and hundreds of injuries. More than 1,000 people have since been charged in connection to the riot.

In connection to his role in the Jan. 6 effort to overturn the election results, Trump has been charged with two felony counts (including one conspiracy count) of obstructing an official proceeding, one felony count of conspiracy to defraud the United States and another felony count of conspiracy against rights.

The trial was originally set for March 2024 but has since been postponed until an unknown date.

Donald Trump Claims To Have Spoke To Vladimir Putin About ‘Dream’ To Invade Ukraine

Asked about Russia’s war in Ukraine, Trump pivoted immediately to Biden’s withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan before bringing up Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“We left American citizens behind," Trump said of the Afghanistan withdrawal.

"When Putin saw that, he said, ‘You know what? I think we're gonna go in and maybe take my …’ This was his dream. I talked to him about it. His dream,” Trump went on. He claimed that Putin would “never” have invaded Ukraine with him as president. It is unclear whether Trump ever spoke to Putin about invading Ukraine as he suggested — or when it would have happened.

Biden Kicks Off Name-Calling By Slinging 2 Insults At Trump

Biden brought up the report that Trump had told his general that he did not want to enter a cemetery of veterans because they are “a bunch of suckers and losers.”

“My son was not a loser and was not a sucker,” the president said, referring to his late son Beau who served in Iraq. “You’re the sucker, you’re the loser.”

Trump denied that he ever said that veterans are suckers and losers, and demanded the president apologize to him. Biden condemned “the idea that I have to apologize to you for anything.”

Donald Trump Unleashes First Hit On Joe Biden’s Memory

Biden was answering a question about the U.S.’ southern border with Mexico, speaking about his efforts to better fund border security efforts that were recently blocked by congressional Republicans.

Trump used the moment to pounce on Biden’s age, a frequent mudsling on the campaign trail.

“I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence,” Trump retorted when the moderators threw to him. “I don’t think he knows what he said either.”

President Trump: "I really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don't think he knows what he said, either."

— MAGA War Room (@MAGAIncWarRoom) June 28, 2024

Joe Biden Blunders Just Minutes In

Biden appeared to have lost his train of thought in response to Tapper’s question about the national debt. Already struggling with what sounds like a scratchy throat, the president struggled to finish his answer about what his administration would do to improve health care – slowing his speech to a point where he had to pivot and start a new sentence about Medicare, which got cut off after he ran out of time.

The Truth About Trump’s Tariff And What It’d Do To Average Americans

Trump just said the centerpiece of his economic agenda, an across-the-board tariff on imports, wouldn’t raise prices on consumer goods. He’s almost certainly wrong.

The comment came towards the end of a conversation about the economy, with Biden and Trump arguing over whether the inflation of Biden’s first years were his fault -- and what else Biden had or hadn’t done to bring down prices.

Once that was done, Tapper turned to Trump with a followup. Wouldn’t his proposed tariff raise prices on those imports?

Trump said no: “They’re not going to drive prices higher.”

Economists disagree. Just last month, the nonpartisan Peterson Institute for International Economics issued an analysis of Trump’s proposal. Here’s what they concluded:

“A lower-bound estimate of costs to consumers indicates that the tariffs would reduce after-tax incomes by about 3.5 percent for those in the bottom half of the income distribution; tariffs would cost a typical household in the middle of the income distribution at least $1,700 in increased taxes each year. If executed, Trump’s latest tariff proposals would increase manifold the distortions and burdens created by the rounds of tariffs levied during the Trump administration (and sustained during the Biden administration), while inflicting significant collateral damage on the US economy. Domestic job creation claims for the 2018–19 return to protectionism have simply proved false, as discussed below.”

So…. $1,700 in increased costs for the typical middle class family, while “inflicting significant collateral damage on the U.S. economy.”

Sure sounds like higher prices!

Donald Trump Repeats His Same Lies About Abortion

Trump, once again, repeated his false claim that “everybody wanted” to overturn Roe v. Wade, including “every legal scholar throughout the world.”

He also insisted that Democrats want to “take the life of a child in the eighth month, the ninth month, and even after birth.” Abortions in the end stages of pregnancy are extremely rare, and no child is killed after being born. That is homicide and illegal nationwide.

Biden responded that abortions later in pregnancy only take placer when the mother’s “life is in danger, if she's going to die.”

Trump Plays Up Immigration Fears Without Evidence

Trump was quick to hit Biden on immigration, stoking fears about undocumented migrants entering the country. But there is no evidence that, as Trump claims, “millions of people” have come to the U.S. from “prisons, jails and mental institutions” in other countries.

The First Question Is About The Economy And Cost Of Living Crisis

Biden gets the first question, about inflation and the state of the economy, and uses it to hit Trump about the economy he left behind.

The president went on to talk about his efforts to lower the price of essential goods and the price of prescription drugs.

Trump responds and sticks to the question, and says the economy was “rocking good” under his tenure.

“He has not done a good job, he’s done a poor job, and inflation is killing our country,” Trump said. “It’s killing us.”

His economy “rewarded the wealthy” Biden replied, noting Trump left the U.S. with the a historic deficit.

Here We Go

The candidates have taken the stage in Atlanta for their first 2024 debate. Biden is in a muted blue tie, standing on the right, while Trump is in a red tie, standing on the left.

They did not shake hands, instead walking directly to their respective lecterns.

Here’s What Gov. Gavin Newsom Said Before The Debate

California Gov. Gavin Newsom voiced his support for Biden, working as a campaign surrogate appearing in the “spin room” ahead of the debate.

“This has an impact around the globe. This is about electing the leader of the free world. America matters. It’s about our moral authority, not just our formal authority,” Newsom said when he arrived, NBC News reported.

“You got someone that brings a moral voice in the work as president and someone that did just the opposite and has no moral compass whatsoever,” he added.

During CNN’s pre-debate coverage, CNN’s Erin Burnett asked Newsom to address rumors that Biden and Trump are considering not shaking hands.

“If we’re getting into this kind of nitty-gritty, we’re running out of punditry,” he said, adding that he hoped they would shake hands.

Meet Your Moderators: Dana Bash And Jake Tapper

Bash and Tapper are both veterans at moderating presidential debates and oversaw several in 2016 and 2020. Bash, CNN’s chief political correspondent and the anchor of “Inside Politics,” and Tapper, the network’s chief Washington correspondent and anchor of “The Lead,” also co-moderated a Republican primary debate earlier this year.

Neither of them have many qualms with calling out Trump’s questionable behavior, but Tapper especially has a long history of criticizing the former president, saying he tried to “kill democracy” after losing the 2020 election to Biden.

The two were highly critical of a chaotic Biden-Trump debate Fox News hosted in 2020, with Tapper calling it a “hot mess inside a dumpster fire, inside a train wreck” and Bash branding it “a shitshow” and comparing it to a “bad reality TV show.” The moderator of that debate, Chris Wallace, is now their CNN colleague.

A Special Beverage Has Joe Biden Saying He Feels ‘Jacked Up’

In an effort to make fun of the Trump campaign’s accusation that the president takes performance-enhancing drugs, Biden posted a photo of himself holding a can that says: “Dark Brandon’s Secret Sauce.”

The can displays the now-popular “Dark Brandon” meme, labeled with Biden’s name and “Zero Malarkey” at the top. The drink is only water, according to the can, but the ingredients listed include “MAGA Tears,” “Mysterious Orange Liquid” and “Melted Chocolate Chip Ice Cream.”

“I don’t know what they’ve got in these performance enhancers, but I’m feeling jacked up,” the president posted on social media. “Try it yourselves, folks.”

The photo was taken by the first lady, according to the president.

The president responded to the same accusation in a similar manner during a debate in 2020, posting a photo of wired headphones and a pint of Jeni’s ice cream in the flavor of salted peanut butter with chocolate flecks.

“It’s debate night, so I’ve got my earpiece and performance enhancers ready,” that post said.

I don't know what they've got in these performance enhancers, but I'm feeling pretty jacked up.

Try it yourselves, folks.

See you in a bit:

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) June 28, 2024

Biden Campaign Has New Best-Ever Fundraising Hour

Fresh off their last record-breaking hour, HuffPost’s S.V. Dáte reports the Biden campaign raised more grassroots funds in the 6 to 7 p.m. ET hour than any other to date. Prior to today, the campaign’s previous best-ever fundraising hour was during the State of the Union, according to a Biden campaign official.

Per a Biden campaign official: The 5-6 pm period was the campaign's best "grassroots" fundraising hour of the campaign, until the 6-7 pm hour beat it.

— S.V. Dáte (@svdate) June 28, 2024

Biden Campaign Has Best-Ever Fundraising Hour: Report

In a sign of the debate’s potential impact, the Biden campaign raised more funds in the 5 to 6 p.m. hour Thursday than any other hour to date, a representative told NBC News.

Tonight Will Be The First Debate Without An In-Person Audience Since 1960

Tonight’s debate will be unusual in modern-day politics as it will be the first without an in-person audience in more than 60 years.

The last time two candidates faced off without one was in 1960 when Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy appeared in the first televised debates between presidential contenders. Their first appearance was a turning point in Kennedy’s campaign and he went on to surge to victory.

There were no ensuing presidential debates until 1976, but since then, every single one has included a live audience. That includes 2020, the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Biden’s camp demanded there be no audience, according to The New York Times, to avoid cheers or boos that have long been a feature of any event Trump appears at.
Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

These Are The Rules For Tonight's Presidential Debate

Both Biden and Trump have agreed to a strict set of rules for tonight’s match-up:

— The debate will be 90 minutes with two commercial breaks.
— Candidates are not allowed to interact with their campaign staff during the breaks.
— There will be no audience and podium positions are determined by a coin flip.
— Microphones will be muted except when it’s a candidates turn to speak.
— Participants are not allowed any pre-written notes, only a pen, pad of paper and bottle of water.

CNN said moderators will use “all tools at their disposal” to ensure a “civilized discussion.”

Campaigns Plot Dueling Debate Ad Segments Featuring Abortion, Capitol Riot, Biden’s Stairway Stumble

The Biden-Harris campaign says it plans to air three ads as part of a messaging “blitz” between segments of the debate. One will feature Amanda Zurawski, the Texas woman who nearly died under her home state’s extreme abortion ban after Trump nominated judges who helped overturn nationwide abortion rights. Another features a sheriff from Michigan, Chris Swanson, who talks about the violence the nation witnessed during the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack. A third contrasts Biden’s character with that of Trump.

Trump’s team says it plans to air two ads around the debate. One features imagery of Biden stumbling on a staircase to question his fitness for office at age 81. (Trump is 78.) Another asks voters whether they are better off now than when Trump left office in January 2020.

CNN’s editorial standards, however, stipulate that the political ads are not shown during the debate. The Biden and Trump ads can only be shown before and after the main event, although other networks airing the debate are not subject to these rules.

Trump Deplanes Ahead Of Debate

The former president was spotted leaving his personal jet en route to CNN’s Atlanta studio where he will face Biden. His wife, Melania Trump, does not appear to be with him.

Joe Biden's Campaign Responds To Trump's Talking Points Leak

A member of Biden’s campaign team had a deadpan response after Trump appeared to leak some of his debate talking points on social media.

Read more:

Biden’s Spin Room Lineup Features A Trump Family Member

ATLANTA — Biden’s campaign released a list of surrogates who will appear on the president’s behalf after the debate — and a Trump has made the list.

Mary Trump, the former president’s outspoken niece, will be among the campaign supporters who will speak to “the startling contrast between each candidate’s character,” according to a Biden campaign official. Mary Trump released a book in 2020, “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man.”

In a statement, she warned against giving her uncle another term.

"I’m in Atlanta tonight to remind everyone who Donald is as a person and how he would rule as a president because the stakes are far too high for us to get this wrong: We cannot afford to allow Donald Trump anywhere near the levers of power again,” she said.

She continued: "Donald cannot be trusted and we must recognize that his last administration was simply a warm-up for much worse to come just as January 6th was a dress rehearsal for a man who will stop at nothing to ascend, once again, to this country’s highest office.”

Other Biden surrogates include California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.), former Atlanta Mayor Kesha Lance-Bottoms, former Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.), and Reps. Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas) and Robert Garcia (D-Calif.)

Trump Posts Talking Points Ahead Of The Debate — And They're From An Ex-Coal Lobbyist

In a perplexing move hours before Thursday’s presidential debate, former President Donald Trump took to social media to share with the world — and his opponent — a series of talking points that Andrew Wheeler, his former Environmental Protection Agency administrator, apparently encouraged Trump to stick to if asked about climate change.

Among other things, Wheeler, a former coal and energy lobbyist, urged Trump to tout how “CO2 emissions went down” on his watch while the U.S. “became more energy dominant.”

“If you get push back during rebuttal and you need another point:” Wheeler added, “Joe Biden is shutting down U.S. energy, canceling pipelines, stopping federal leases.”

While Republicans have relentlessly accused Biden of being “at war with” fossil fuels and destroying so-called Trump-era “energy dominance,” U.S. production of crude oil and exports of natural gas have soared during the president’s tenure.

It is also worth noting that during his time at the helm of EPA, Wheeler sought to have it both ways on carbon emissions, as HuffPost previously reported. When emissions fell from 2016 to 2017, he argued it was because Trump’s deregulatory agency had spurred innovation in the energy sector. When they rose sharply in 2018, Wheeler attributed it primarily to Trump having triggered “an uptick in manufacturing and industrial output.”

Trump’s decision to share debate talking points ahead of time seemingly left the Biden camp scratching its head.

“Donald Trump is just posting his debate talking points,” Ammar Moussa, a Biden campaign spokesperson, wrote on X, formerly Twitter. “Thanks I guess.”

Joe Biden Meets Supporters After Arriving In The Beast

The president’s motorcade stopped at an outdoor gathering of Biden supporters in Atlanta who cheered upon seeing him, according to a pool report. Supporters showed up with campaign signs and posters with Dark Brandon cutouts, while chanting, “Four more years!”

Biden shook hands and posed for photos with his supporters after greeting Rep. Robert Garcia (D-Calif.), a top campaign surrogate, according to the report.

Pool reporters said they passed a small group of Trump supporters while leaving the air base.
Liz Skalka / HuffPost

Inside The Arena Where Reporters Are Watching The Debate

ATLANTA — Welcome to the Thrillerdome.

That’s where a few hundred reporters will be watching tonight’s debate from what normally serves as a basketball arena at the Georgia Institute of Technology in midtown Atlanta, all while Trump and Biden meet at a CNN studio down the street.

No reporters — except for the two moderators and a number of still photographers — will be present in-person for the debate, although the White House Correspondents Association is pushing for the network to allow a print pool reporter into the debate studio. (Not even the pool reporters who follow Biden around throughout most of the day are currently allowed inside.)

Reporters are gathered at the school’s McCamish Pavilion, stationed at tables fanned out across an upper level above empty stadium seating. Roads are shut down for blocks around the pavilion and CNN’s headquarters in anticipation of Biden’s and Trump’s motorcades.

It’s the first time since 1960 that two presidential candidates have debated without a live audience. Both Trump and Biden agreed to this setup to avoid the distraction of a live audience.

Here’s How You Can Watch The Debate Tonight

The debate will air live on CNN’s broadcast network at 9 p.m. ET, in addition to CNN International, CNN en Español and CNN Max. Users will be able to stream the debate on CNN’s website as well, without having to log in.

Some networks have also agreed to simulcast the event live both on TV and through streaming, including CBS, NBC and PBS. The 90-minute debate is expected to have two commercial breaks.

If watching the debate isn’t an option, stay tuned to HuffPost — we'll be live-blogging throughout the event, so you don’t miss any notable moments.

President Biden Has Arrived In Atlanta

Biden arrived in Atlanta ahead of tonight’s debate just after 3 p.m. Reuters cameras captured Air Force One as it landed at Dobbins Air Base. Biden greeted about a dozen people on the tarmac, including former Georgia Rep. Stacey Abrams, according to the White House pool report.

LIVE: Joe Biden arrives in Atlanta for first presidential debate

— Reuters (@Reuters) June 27, 2024

Trump's VP Short List

Any day now, Donald Trump is hinting he’s going to announce his running mate in the 2024 presidential election. He told reporters last weekend that he’s made his decision and that this person will be in attendance at Thursday’s presidential debate.

Read more here.

Reporters Denied Access To Debate Studio Speak Out

The White House Correspondents Association said it’s “deeply concerned” that CNN has denied the travel pool – the group of reporters that travel with the president – access to its studio during tonight’s debate.

CNN is only allowing one print reporter access to the studio during a commercial break, despite WHCA asking the network to allow at least one in for the duration of the debate.

“That is not sufficient in our view and diminishes a core principle of presidential coverage,” the organization said. “The White House pool has a duty to document, report and witness the president’s events and his movements on behalf of the American people.

Pool members have been allowed in the studio for the duration of past debates, the organization noted.

See the WHCA’s full statement here.

Watch This Supercut Of Republicans Whining About Tonight's Debate

Donald Trump agreed to the rules of tonight's debate, but Republicans aren't having the format.

HuffPost's David Moye reports:

Biden Shares Video Of Former Trump Staffers Saying He’s Unfit For Office

President Biden’s team released a damning montage Thursday of former Trump staffers sounding the alarm about their old boss.

The 38-second clip features former Vice President Mike Pence; former Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley; Trump communications director Alyssa Farah; Trump’s Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper; and Trump’s national security advisor, John Bolton, among others.

“I cannot in good conscience endorse Donald Trump,” Pence says in the clip. (Recall that Trump allegedly cheered on the mob on Jan. 6, 2021 —as supporters called for his own vice president to be hanged — and said that “Mike Pence deserves it.”)

Pence is followed by a speech excerpt from Gen. Milley, who references Trump as “a wannabe dictator,” and Farah, who says, “We worked with him. We knew him. This man is unfit to be president.”

Watch the clip, below:

Trump Spends Time Before Debate Ranting About Women, Fox News, Biden

Ahead of one of the most consequential performances of his political career, Trump retreated to Truth Social for a trio of angry, all-caps rants.

In one post, Trump called Biden a “NIGHTMARE FOR WOMEN,” conveniently ignoring his pivotal role in denying women access to reproductive healthcare.

In a second, Trump attacked Fox News for speaking with Michael Tyler, a Biden communications director, writing: “WHY DOES FOXNEWS PUT ON SO MANY BIDEN PEOPLE, LIKE MICHAEL TYLER, COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR FOR BIDEN, WHO SPEWED LIES WITH VERY LITTLE PUSHBACK? AMAZING!!!”

And in a third, Trump, who attempted to overturn the results of the 2020 election, accused Biden of being “A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY.”

Here's How The Debate Mics Will Work

CNN demonstrated how the microphones at tonight's debate — which will mute whenever it's not a candidate's turn to speak — will work.


Each man’s microphone will be muted when it’s not his turn to speak. @Phil_Mattingly and I demonstrate what that will look and sound like.

— Victor Blackwell CNN (@VictorBlackwell) June 27, 2024

Debate Commission Co-Chair Slams CNN Over Tonight's Rules

CNN earned the rebuke of the co-chair of the Commission on Presidential Debates over their decision to make changes to the typical format of presidential debates as they prepare to host the first one of the 2024 campaign cycle.

Read more here.

Supreme Court Decides To Sit On Trump Immunity Ruling

The U.S. Supreme Court didn’t release a highly anticipated ruling Thursday regarding Trump’s claim of immunity from criminal prosecution for his actions while in office. Instead, the opinion seems likely to be published next week, long after tonight’s debate has concluded.

Trump has argued that former presidents are entitled to absolute immunity for their official acts, thus clearing him of any legal repercussions for trying to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

In one particularly absurd hearing, Trump lawyer Jack Sauer argued a president could order the assassination of a political rival and not be prosecuted for it.

Voters Have Higher Expectations For Trump Than Biden: NYT Poll

A New York Times/Siena College poll released Thursday found 60 percent of registered voters expected Trump would perform “very” or “somewhat” well in tonight’s debate, while only 46 percent said the same of Biden.

Trump has attempted to raise expectations for Biden by claiming, without any evidence, that the current president will be on drugs during the debate.

Trump’s made the same wholly unsubstantiated claim in previous debates, going back to his 2016 debates with Hillary Clinton.

RFK Jr. Didn’t Qualify For Tonight’s Debate, Vows To Answer The Questions Anyway

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. didn’t meet the polling threshold CNN set to qualify for tonight’s debate, so he’s going to livestream himself answering the same debate questions from a studio in Los Angeles.

CNN offered the independent candidate a podium if he could both exceed 15% in four high-quality national polls, and earn a spot on the ballot in enough states to theoretically win 270 electoral votes.

Unlike CNN’s forum, Kennedy will answer questions in front of a live — and presumably quite friendly — audience.

You Might Hear A Few Of These False Claims During Tonight's Debate

There’s no comparing the volume of false and misleading claims Trump has deployed throughout his campaigns and presidency with Biden, who tends to lean more on exaggerations and embellishments rather than outright lies.

But as the two men prepare to debate Thursday night, here’s a look at the facts around false and misleading claims frequently made by the two candidates:

Joe Biden Goes After Donald Trump About Jan. 6 Ahead Of Debate

On the eve of his first 2024 election debate with his recently convicted predecessor, Biden ramped up his criticism of Trump’s actions leading up to and on the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol he incited in his last-gasp attempt to hang on to power.

Biden’s campaign on Wednesday morning rolled out an endorsement from former Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger, a member of the House Jan. 6 committee that investigated the assault. That was followed by the release of a new ad featuring a Michigan sheriff criticizing Trump for doing nothing for three hours while his followers violently attacked police officers protecting the Capitol.

Read more:

Here's What We Want To See Answered During The First Presidential Debate

Tonight's debate moderators can perform a real public service by asking questions that get at what really matters to voters ― and that reveal the two men’s true values and intentions, or at least their temperaments.

And yes, that includes some questions that just plain go for the jugular. In an election cycle this momentous, voters deserve to hear candidates directly confront things like how each president’s policies may have contributed to the political environment that led to the Israel-Hamas war; or whether Trump really believes abortion allows women and doctors to kill newborn babies. We’ve gotta get right to things.

Here are a few suggestions from our staff on what they could ask:

What To Know Ahead Of Tonight's Debate

You may think we’ve been here before — and we have.

Biden and Trump are facing off Thursday night in their first debate of the 2024 presidential campaign. They’ve done this before, of course, four years ago, but things are different now.

Here's what to know:

Stay Tuned For Debate Updates

We'll have updates throughout Thursday afternoon and evening leading up to the debate at 9 p.m. ET.

Stay tuned!

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