Some People Are Still Complaining About Hillary Clinton's Voice

Everyone, stop doing this.
Bloomberg via Getty Images

After Hillary Clinton accepted the Democratic presidential nomination Thursday night, like clockwork, political reporters and pundits ― mostly men ― began commenting on the sound of Clinton’s voice, which they have done time and time again.

Fox NewsBrit Hume took issue with her “not-so-attractive voice.”

“She tends to accelerate her delivery and speak louder and sterner,” Hume said. “She has a great asset as a public person, which is a radiant smile, but she has a not so attractive voice, and I think for much of her speech tonight, she lapsed into that familiar lecturing tone. And I suspect that there were some people that, even who agreed with her words, found the tone off-putting.”

Steve Clemons, editor-at-large for The Atlantic, also mentioned Clinton’s “lecturing” and advised her to “smile.”

Instead of lecturing 2 citizens @HillaryClinton needs 2 have conversation w/us. Modulate voice. Tell stories. Set hopes. Smile #DNCinPHL

— Steve Clemons (@SCClemons) July 29, 2016

On PBS and NPR, female commentators noted the historical importance and emotional resonance of Clinton’s speech. Their male counterparts focused on Clinton’s voice.

“I don’t know why she can’t project more humanity,” New York Times columnist David Brooks said on the broadcast. “She projects one emotional tone throughout, and it has a combative manner to it, and not a happy warrior manner.”

Interesting to hear the women on @NPR talk about how awesome @HillaryClinton's speech was while the men are like meh and mention her voice

— harper (@harper) July 29, 2016

And on Twitter, many political commentators complained about Clinton’s “annoying” voice and suggested she calm down.

As I opined on TheFive today- a "check the box" speech. Immigration, income inequality, more. Btw what's with the annoying vocal inflection?

— Eric Bolling (@ericbolling) July 29, 2016


It’s because Hillary's voice is annoying and she’s a mediocre speaker.

— Sonny Bunch (@SonnyBunch) July 29, 2016

C'mon Hillary, take a big breath and use your calm voice. You can do it.

— Rick Sanchez (@RickSanchezTV) July 29, 2016

Apparently, making history as the first female presidential nominee of a major political party doesn’t stop sexist attacks.

If your main takeaway from Hillary Clinton's speech is that she needs to smile more and regulate her voice: You really don't get it, do you?

— Erin Ruberry (@erinruberry) July 29, 2016

Please scan your feed and sort those who find Hillary's voice "annoying" or "unmodulated" or "shrill" and draw your own conclusions

— Clara Jeffery (@ClaraJeffery) July 29, 2016

Sadly, this is nothing new. Clinton received similar criticism in previous speeches and political debates, mostly from men. They claim their critiques aren’t sexist. But male candidates, like Clinton’s primary opponent Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, rarely receive equivalent scrutiny.

Attacks on the sound of a woman’s voice often mirror negative perceptions of women as too “aggressive” and “dominant.” Meanwhile, when it comes to men, those same qualities and traits are cast as positive attributes.


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