Fox News

The House Democrat could barely hold in his laughter as he tore into his Republican colleague.
The Democratic congressman drew a stark contrast between Joe Biden and his predecessor.
BIden had likened explicit images in Fox Nation's 2022 series "The Trial of Hunter Biden" to revenge porn, while Fox News said the suit was politically motivated.
"Despite their current contretemps," the political analyst explained.
The network's personalities railed against President Joe Biden's decision to withdraw from the 2024 campaign and Harris' entry into the race.
The conservative media personality, an anti-immigration hard-liner, was 78.
The network's former host was also seen in the same room as its founder, Rupert Murdoch.
Johnny Belisario referred to the canine as the "first dog delegate" at the Milwaukee convention prior to making the wisecrack.
Jessica Tarlov dismissed a claim that the shooting is essentially a problem stemming from Democrats.