HuffPost Personal

"He had never apologized before. His usual playful energy was heavy with guilt, like a dog with his tail between his legs."
"They are genius (and stealthy) in their tactics to exhaust me financially, emotionally and physically."
"We were like two feral raccoons thrown into the same cage — bonding with one another brought up anguish we’d spent decades trying to self-medicate."
“I stayed quiet because I feared my work would be judged differently if I told the truth. I’ve come to see that by doing this, I was part of the problem.”
"Why would he stay with someone who could do such a disgusting thing, especially when we’d only been together three months?"
"Part of my dread of wedding dress shopping came from the ways I believed I would be rendered invisible by the blinding brightness of heteronormativity."
"'I’m so angry,' my second sister said, visibly shaking. 'I’m not kidding, I’m mad.' Our parents had been cruelest to her."
"My father was born Jewish in Berlin in November of 1938. Let that sink in."
"The bullying I’ve endured has been relentless. It was so bad that sometimes kids would shout at me from their windows as I passed."
"Most parents are trying to keep their children away from marijuana. But it wasn’t a stretch for us to try anything to help our daughter."