
The Trump campaign had distanced itself from Loomer, a self-described “Islamophobe,” earlier this year.
A tweet from the Democratic presidential candidate's account included the numbers 14 and 88 close together, evoking a known hate symbol.
The results have raised concern about the far-right's resurgence.
“I do not want America to be as socially conservative as 2012. I want our civilization to be as socially conservative as we were in 1220,” Michael Knowles said.
The Southern Poverty Law Center said that the right-wing group is “making waves for intimidating and harassing teachers and school officials.”
An Islamic extremist killed eight people and injured 18 others with a truck on a bike path in Manhattan on Halloween in 2017.
Anti-government organizations are filling a disaster-response gap — and using it to spread their message.
Gerald Leonard Drake, 63, initially tried to blame antifascist protesters for a pipe bomb he planted.
U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk was required to submit a lengthy report on all of his writings and appearances during his confirmation.
But the Connecticut Democrat believes that both parties can unite to address the crisis.