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Other PD&R Projects


Other PD&R Projects

PD&R undertakes various projects and initiatives, sometimes in collaboration
with other agencies and private-sector organizations, to further research priorities and goals.

Housing and Health Data Dashboard

Housing and Health Data Dashboard

HUD's Housing and Health Data Dashboard is a resource for locating data that may be helpful for housing and health related research.

Minority-Serving Institutions

Minority-Serving Institutions

PD&R supports research Centers of Excellence at Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Hispanic-Serving Institutions.

Eviction Protection Grant Program

Eviction Protection Grant Program

A first-of-its-kind federal program designed to expand the reach of legal services to low-income tenants at risk of, or subject to, eviction.

Innovative Housing Showcase

Innovative Housing Showcase

Hosted by HUD, the Showcase is an annual public event to raise awareness of innovative and affordable housing designs and technologies.

Sustainable Construction in Indian Country

Sustainable Construction in Indian Country

In partnership with HUD's Office of Native American Programs, PD&R promoted and supported sustainable construction practices in Native communities.

Energy Webinars

Energy Webinars

The webinar series is a collaboration between the Department of Energy and HUD with a focus on energy efficiency in housing.

Community Resilience Planning for Disaster Recovery

Community Resilience Planning for Disaster Recovery

HUD is offering contractor assistance and guidance to three communities to develop or improve long-range plans for improving the resilience of their affordable housing stock to natural hazards.

Regulatory Barriers Clearinghouse

Regulatory Barriers Clearinghouse

The Clearinghouse contains information on state and local regulations and policies affecting the creation and maintenance of affordable housing.