Instructions to applicants for teaching and research positions

Applicants for teaching and research positions at the Faculty of Faculty of Arts are kindly asked to follow the Faculty instructions below concerning CVs, lists of publications and the assessment of teaching skills.
Curriculum vitae (CV)

Full names

Date and place of birth

Current position and date of appointment

Education and degrees awarded

Previous professional appointments

Research awards, research honours and major stipendiary support for research

Editorial board memberships/editor

Elected memberships in scientific societies

Supervision of research work and postgraduate studies

Other academic and professional activities

List of pub­lic­a­tions

In applications for Faculty professorships, the list of publications should comply with the Finnish national classification for publications issued by Ministry of Education and Culture.  

A Peer-reviewed scientific articles

Journal article (refereed), original research; review article, literature review, systematic review; book section, chapters in research books; conference proceedings

NB. Doctoral dissertations (articles) also listed under item G.

B Non-refereed scientific articles

Non-refereed journal article; book section; non-refereed conference proceedings

C Scientific books (monographs)

Book; edited book, conference proceedings or special issue of a journal

NB. Doctoral dissertations (monographs) also listed under item G.

D Publications intended for professional communities

Article in a trade journal; article in a professional manual or guide or professional information system, textbook material; professional conference proceedings; published development or research report or study; textbook, professional manual or guide, dictionary

E Publications intended for the general public, linked to the applicant’s research

Popularised article, newspaper article; popularised monograph

F Public artistic and design activities

Published independent work of art; public partial realisation of a work of art; public artistic performance or exhibition; model or design adopted for production/use

G Theses

Polytechnic thesis, Bachelor’s thesis, Master’s thesis, polytechnic Master’s thesis; Licentiate thesis; doctoral dissertation (monograph); doctoral dissertation (article)

H Patents and invention disclosures

Granted patent; invention disclosure

I Audiovisual material, ICT software

Audiovisual material; ICT software

For each publication, give a complete literature reference, indicating the authors and the title of the article or publication as well as the publisher.

As­sess­ment of teach­ing skills

At the University of Helsinki, teaching skills are assessed when recruiting teaching and research staff, as well as when applying for the title of docent. Teaching skills are assessed as a whole, taking into account pedagogical training and thinking, teaching experience and the development of teaching, experience in thesis and dissertation supervision, the ability to produce learning material, other teaching merits and a demonstration of teaching skills. A five-step scale, in which the grade of Good represents the intermediate level (Regulations on Degrees and the Protection of Students’ Rights, section 37), will be used for the assessment. The assessment of teaching skills is governed by the Regulations of the University of Helsinki.

Instructions for giving a teaching demonstration at the Faculty of Arts (pdf)