About QScript

QScript is a read-only online prescription monitoring system that collects real-time prescription information about certain medicines—called monitored medicines—from prescribing and dispensing software systems. This information can be viewed by authorised prescribers and pharmacists to support their clinical decision-making.

The prescription data in QScript is collected automatically from prescription delivery services (PDSs), which support the transfer of electronic prescriptions and prescription information from prescribers to pharmacies. When a monitored medicine prescription is written or dispensed by a health practitioner using clinical software that is connected to a PDS, the PDS sends a record of the prescription to QScript in real time.

When integrated with clinical software, QScript generates alerts and notifications to inform prescribers and dispensers when a patient may be at risk of monitored medicine-related harm (e.g. when a patient is receiving high doses of a monitored medicine, or a combination of monitored medicines that might increase the risk of overdose).

QScript does not instruct health practitioners on what they should do or prevent them from prescribing or dispensing. The decision on whether to prescribe or dispense a monitored medicine remains a clinical decision of the prescriber or pharmacist at all times.

Watch the ‘Healthcare happens in real time’ video below for an overview of what QScript is and how it works.

Video transcript

Healthcare happens in real-time. So health practitioners need real-time information to support their clinical decisions.

QScript is Queensland's real-time prescription monitoring system. It captures information about certain medicines, called monitored medicines, which can present a high risk of patient harm.

So how does QScript work? QScript securely receives monitored medicine prescription data automatically in real-time via a cloud-based system. Prescribers and pharmacists can access this information to inform their clinical decision-making.

When integrated with clinical software, QScript can deliver important alerts and notifications using a traffic light system. A red notification means a potentially high-risk circumstance. An amber notification means patient data is available. And a green notification means no patient data currently exists. The traffic light system prompts health practitioners to carefully review the patient's history, but does not prevent prescribing or dispensing.

While QScript is designed to integrate with existing software and clinical workflows, it's also accessible via a secure web-based portal.

Visit QScript online for more information.

The importance of QScript for Queensland

Every 2 minutes 1 Australian is hospitalised because of prescription medicines

In 2018 the Commonwealth Department of Health, in collaboration with the states and territories, proposed a federated real-time prescription monitoring solution. Under this model, states and territories have integrated with a national data exchange to enable a real-time prescription monitoring system in each jurisdiction.

QScript is Queensland’s real-time prescription monitoring system—launched in September 2021.

Who has access to QScript

The following health practitioners can access QScript:

  • medical practitioners
  • pharmacists (including intern pharmacists)
  • nurse practitioners
  • endorsed midwives
  • dentists
  • podiatric surgeons and endorsed podiatrists.

The health practitioners listed above can register for QScript access by heading to the QScript registration portal. Health practitioners practising (physically located) in a state/territory other than Queensland can register for and use QScript in certain authorised circumstances. View the Registering for and using QScript when practising outside of Queensland fact sheet (PDF 154 kB) for more information.

Medicines captured by QScript

QScript captures a comprehensive list of monitored medicines that have a recognised therapeutic use but may also present a high risk of physical, mental and social harms. The Medicines and Poisons Act 2019 refers to these medicines as monitored medicines. Monitored medicines are:

  • all Schedule 8 medicines (e.g. opioids, alprazolam, nabiximols, dexamfetamine)
  • the following Schedule 4 medicines:
    • all benzodiazepines
    • codeine
    • gabapentin
    • pregabalin
    • quetiapine
    • tramadol
    • zolpidem
    • zopiclone.

The list of monitored medicines has been determined based on local and international research and incorporates the recommendations of a multi-disciplinary working party. Numerous factors were considered, including evidence of harm (on its own or in combination with other substances) and trends in prescribing, misuse, and abuse.

Ongoing research and trends in prescribing medicine inform future changes to the monitored medicines list.

Research and other data requests

Persons conducting research and seeking access to data held in QScript for the purpose of evaluation and research into monitored medicines should contact the Monitored Medicines and Compliance Unit for further information prior to making a request.


Monitored Medicines and Compliance Unit
Email: MMCU@health.qld.gov.au

Last updated: 1 July 2024