Mohsen Bayati

Professor, Operations, Information & Technology

Mohsen Bayati

The Carl and Marilynn Thoma Professor of Operations, Information & Technology

Professor of Electrical Engineering (by courtesy), School of Engineering
Professor of Radiation Oncology (by courtesy), School of Medicine

Research Statement

I work on three areas: (i) Applied machine learning in healthcare: I am interested in improving healthcare using data-driven learning and decision models. (ii) Graphical models and message-passing algorithms: I work on random graph models and methods motivated from statistical physics, with applications in statistical inference. (iii) Mathematics of learning and decision-making: I develop mathematical models and algorithms for problems that involve experimentation, learning, and personalized decision-making.

Awards and Honors

  • PhD Faculty Distinguished Service Award GSB, Stanford, 2024
  • Younger Family Faculty Scholar, Stanford GSB, 2020–21
  • Younger Family Faculty Scholar, Stanford GSB, 2019–20
  • Spence Faculty Scholar, Stanford GSB, 2015–16


Journal Articles

Cristobal Pais, Jianfeng Liu, Robert Voigt, Vin Gupta, Elizabeth Wade, Mohsen Bayati
Nature Medicine
April 2024
Daniel Tawfik, Mohsen Bayati, Jessica Liu, Liem Nguyen, Amrita Sinha, Thomas Kannampallil , Tait Shanafelt, Jochen Profit
Mayo Clinic Proceedings
April 2024
Ruoxuan Xiong, Susan Athey, Mohsen Bayati, Guido W. Imbens
Management Science
December 2023
Nima Hamidi, Mohsen Bayati
Operations Research
July 2023 Vol. 71 Issue 4 Pages 1021–1439
Daniel S. Tawfik, Amrita Sinha, Mohsen Bayati, Kathryn C. Adair, Tait D. Shanafelt, J. Bryan Sexton, Jochen Profit
Journal of Medical Internet Research
July 6, 2021 Vol. 23 Issue 7
Susan Athey, Mohsen Bayati, Nikolay Doudchenko, Guido W. Imbens, Khashayar Khosravi
Journal of the American Statistical Association
May 10, 2021 Vol. 116 Issue 536 Pages 1716–1730
Hamsa Bastani, Mohsen Bayati, Khashayar Khosravi
Management Science
March 21, 2021 Vol. 67 Issue 3 Pages 1329–1349
Hamsa Bastani, Mohsen Bayati
Operations Research
2020 Vol. 68 Issue 1
Susan Athey, Mohsen Bayati, Guido W. Imbens, Zhaonan Qu
American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings
May 2019 Vol. 109 Pages 65-70
Hamsa Bastani, Joel Goh, Mohsen Bayati
Management Science
March 2019 Vol. 65 Issue 3 Pages 1042-1060
Mohsen Bayati, Murat Erdogdu, Lee H. Dicker
Journal of Machine Learning
February 2019 Vol. 20 Issue 7 Pages 1-45
Joel Goh, Mohsen Bayati, Stefanos Zenios, Sundeep Singh, David Moore
Operations Research
February 28, 2018 Vol. 66 Issue 3 Pages 597-892
Mohsen Bayati, Andrea Montanari, Amin Saberi
Operations Research (forthcoming)
Erjie Ang, Sara Kwasnick, Mohsen Bayati, Erica Plambeck, Michael Aratow
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM)
November 6, 2015 Vol. 18 Issue 1 Pages 141-156
Mohsen Bayati, Marc Lelarge, Andrea Montanari
Annals of Applied Probability
April 2015 Vol. 25 Issue 2 Pages 753-822
Joel Goh, Margrét V. Bjarnadóttir, Mohsen Bayati, Stefanos Zenios
Operations Research
2015 Vol. 63 Issue 6 Pages 1528–1546
Mohsen Bayati, Christian Borgs, Jennifer Chayes, Yash Kanoria, Andrea Montanari
Journal of Economic Theory (JET)
2015 Vol. 156 Pages 417-454
Mohsen Bayati, Mark Braverman, Michael Gillam, Karen M. Mack, George Ruiz, Mark S. Smith, Eric Horvitz
PLoS One
October 2014 Vol. 9 Issue 10
Mohsen Bayati, David F. Gleich, Amin Saberi, Yin Wang
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data
March 2013 Vol. 7 Issue 1 Pages 2013
Mohsen Bayati, David Gamarnik, Prasad Tetali
Annals of Probability
2013 Vol. 41 Issue 6 Pages 4080-4115
Mohsen Bayati, Andrea Montanari
IEE Transactions on Information Theory
2012 Vol. 587 Issue 4 Pages 1997-2017
Mohsen Bayati, Christian Borgs, Jennifer Chayes, Riccardo Zecchina
SIAM J. Discrete Math
2011 Vol. 25 Issue 2 Pages 989-2011
Mohsen Bayati, Andrea Montanari
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
2011 Vol. 57 Issue 2 Pages 764-785
Mohsen Bayati, Jeong Han Kim, Amin Saberi
December 2010 Vol. 58 Issue 4 Pages 860-910
Mohsen Bayati, Alfredo Braunstein, Riccardo Zecchina
Journal of Mathematical Physics
2009 Vol. 49
Mohsen Bayati, Christian Borgs, Jennifer Chayes, Riccardo Zecchina
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
July 20, 2008
Mohsen Bayati, Devavrat Shah, Mayank Sharma
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
March 2008 Vol. 54 Issue 3 Pages 1241-1251
Mohsen Bayati, C. Borgs, A. Braunstein, J. Chayes, A. Ramezanpour, R. Zecchina
Physical Review Letters

Working Papers

Nima Hamidi, Mohsen Bayati April 2023
Mohsen Bayati, Junyu Cao, Wanning Chen November 2022
Jacqueline Vallon, Neil Panjwani, Xi Ling, Sushmita Vij, Sandy Srinivas, John Leppert, Mohsen Bayati, Mark K. Buyyounouski March 2022
Mohsen Bayati, Nima Hamidi, Ramesh Johari, Khashayar Khosravi March 2022
Susan Athey, Mohsen Bayati, Nick Doudchenko, Guido W. Imbens, Khashayar Khosravi 2017
Hamsa Bastani, Mohsen Bayati, Khashayar Khosravi 2017

Stanford GSB Affiliations

Stanford University Affiliations

Insights by Stanford Business

May 01, 2024
“Multi-armed bandits” can reduce some of the uncertainty and inefficiency of A/B testing.
December 12, 2023
’Tis the season for personal and professional growth.
October 25, 2023
Expert advice on how to move fast — without breaking stuff.
September 10, 2021
New research links technology-related frustration to worker burnout in all corners of the medical industry.
July 12, 2021
Stanford researchers have mapped a more efficient way to conduct the kinds of massive A/B tests tech companies rely upon.
November 20, 2020
Access to superabundant data has transformed the methods of scholastic inquiry — and possibly the basic tenets of inquiry itself.
December 06, 2019
Communication mistakes, job-stealing robots, and career-gap explanations captured reader attention this year.
July 12, 2019
The misclassification of hospital-acquired infections may be costing Medicare up to $200 million a year, a new study shows.
November 20, 2018
More information isn’t necessarily better in health care — or business.
August 07, 2017
Research shows how to improve a system that doesn’t work.
March 07, 2016
Lax reporting requirements make it easier to change records.
May 05, 2014
A scholar shows how data analysis can help lower patients’ risk of hospital readmission.

School News

June 27, 2024
Students recognize instructors in MSx, MBA, and PhD programs
February 27, 2018
“Effective leaders in the digital age will need to be mindful of the social consequences of technology.”