Green Gown Awards UK & Ireland

Awarding Sustainability Excellence in Tertiary Education for 20 years

Celebrating our 20th anniversary year, we are delighted to announce our 2024 Green Gown Awards UK & Ireland finalists.

Congratulations to our 133 finalists from 84 institutions!

Winners will be announced at the Awards Ceremony taking place on 13 November at Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh.

For an overview of key dates, please visit here.  

Now in our 20th year, the 2024 UK & Ireland Green Gown Awards, in association with UKRI, are open to any tertiary education establishment - including all post-16 educational institutions such as colleges, universities and learning and skills institutions.

We need your help

A strong ethos of the Green Gown Awards is that they are free for institutions to enter. There is no limit on the number of applications or categories each institution can enter. Entry is free of charge but we do ask for a suggested donation of £150 per institution, if able to do so. This donation helps us to continue delivering the Awards. Please make your donation here. If you are unable to use the donation site then please contact us for an invoice.