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Grapevine accelerates the collective giving movement by connecting people to grow the greater good.

About us

Building the first version of the platform with Chloe and Jessan.

Building a giving platform…

After working in the nonprofit sector for several years, Emily Rasmussen teamed up with Jessan Hutchinson-Quillian and Chloe Moon, senior engineers from Google who had helped to launch Google’s Giving Week and build their giving platform.

A few months later they launched the first version of Grapevine – a platform that helped everyday people to connect with experts to identify nonprofits that matched their passion.

Launching a beta 3 years ago…

At this time, a few Giving Circles discovered Grapevine. The team realized that their model was an even more engaging and effective way for people to discover nonprofits - through community. They also learned that these collaborative groups were bogged down by administrative challenges.

In 2019, Grapevine launched a beta of a new platform that would address the administrative burden - pooling donations, communicating with members, providing tax-deductible donation receipts, transparent granting, and more.

This allowed collaborative giving groups to set up their communities and start collecting donations in minutes.

100 Women Who Care Maui
About us
Savannah Professional Women for Good
100 Men Who Care of Southern Maine

Grapevine continues to empower collaborative giving groups.

Today, Grapevine is helping hundreds of groups around the country direct funds to thousands of nonprofits.

Grapevine group members


Members join one of thousands of Giving Circles across the country supporting specific communities or causes.

Total donations

$36.4 million

Since 2019, the Grapevine platform has granted over $36,400,000 to organizations across the country.

Nonprofits supported


Member donations have provided critical resources that nonprofit groups need to fund key initiatives for their communities.

The Grapevine Community

Grapevine is the only platform dedicated to Giving Circles - a charitable model where people come together, pool their donations and amplify their impact.

Meet the Grapevine Team

Our Valued Partners & Supporters

A new era of philanthropy

We are grateful for the support and collaboration of our partners & supporters who share our vision for a community-driven future of philanthropy. These partners & supporters play a crucial role in supporting, funding, and showcasing the incredible impact of Giving Circles.