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10 Things Maya Hawke Can't Live Without

There are a few things Maya Hawke can't live without. From a vintage striped shirt and some candy to watercolor paints and a sleep mask, here are Maya's essentials.

Maya's album, Chaos Angel, releases May 31.

Wildcat, the movie about Flannery O'Connor, starring and executive produced by Maya is now playing.

Maya also stars in Inside Out 2, out June 14.

Director: Camille Ramos
Director of Photography: Jack Belisle
Editor: Paul Tael
Talent: Maya Hawke
Producer: Camille Ramos
Line Producer: Jen Santos
Production Manager: James Pipitone
Production Coordinator: Elizabeth Hymes
Talent Booker: Paige Garbarini; Ernesto Macias
Camera Operator: Chloe Ramos
Gaffer: David Djaco
Sound Recordist: Rachel Suffian
Production Assistants: Erica Palmieri; Ziyne Abdo
Post Production Supervisor: Rachael Knight
Post Production Coordinator: Ian Bryant
Supervising Editor: Rob Lombardi
Assistant Editor: Fynn Lithgow

Released on 05/29/2024


Hi, I'm Maya Hawke,

and these are my 10 Essentials.

[energetic music]

This is my guitar.

This is the first guitar that I bought for myself,

and I bought it with the cash that I made

from a tour I did of Blue Notes in Japan.

Basically the first tour I ever went on,

we played two shows a night

for a week, I think, it was insane.

It was one of the best learning experiences

I've ever had in my life.

I think when I first started playing shows

I was really, like, doing this kind of drunk

Disney princess personality on stage,

where I was like laughing and smiling a lot,

and kind of making fun of myself and doing like,

Oh, whoops. Like, oh, I don't know guys,

thank you so much for coming out.

And having to do it twice in one night?

I just learned to hate it.

It was a really transformative set of shows for me.

I then got on the plane, flew back,

I went to LA and I had cash in my wallet from that trip

and I went and bought this guitar.

Somebody other than me

carved the word Butch into the corner.

So that's her name, her name is Butch.

[gentle music]

This is a problem that came from crafty on set,

for the most part,

it's like when you're working a late night shoot,

it's just hard not to want to eat candy.

On Stranger Things,

they carry these particular candies for me.

These are my favorite candies,

the Now and Laters and the Smarties.

I really like Sour candy,

but I don't know if anyone is familiar with this,

most Sour candy like Sour Patch Kids, Sour Watermelon,

Sour Ropes, Sour Straws, Sour S'ghetti,

these kinds of candies, they have a delicious

but tongue-destroying sort of umami powder,

and if you like to eat a inappropriate amount of candy,

you can end up with like a bleeding...

This is disgusting what I'm saying,

but like a bleeding mouth or like a very sore mouth.

So the Smarties and the Now and Laters

achieve the goal of sourness without injuring the mouth.

I have a large collection of striped shirts.

Most of them are vintage,

but this is a perfect black and white striped shirt.

It is maybe the most important thing to me, clothing-wise.

It's been that way for a long time in my life.

I'm committing.

I feel like that's a thing of getting older is

you start to realize the things about yourself

that like the phases you wanna stay in.

And I feel like I'm committing

to the striped shirt in my life.

It's a very happy marriage.

[upbeat music]

This is a bra.

It is a perfect bra.

When you're working in this industry,

you often have to go and put on clothes

that are not your clothes,

and like if it's a photo shoot,

there's like a rack of clothes,

and you try them on and you're making it work.

But people often forget to bring clothes

that work for women with boobs,

or bras for women with boobs.

So I've learned that you must bring your own,

and I found that this is the perfect bra.

It is also unfortunately generally out of stock.

I got it from this underwear store

that was in Woodstock, New York,

I think, I don't know, eight years ago.

That store is now closed.

This brand, you can only buy them on like resale, like used.

This one, I got fresh. It's perfect, it's supportive.

It gives you differentiation and shape.

It has no underwire,

but it doesn't make that kind of uni-boob effect

or the triangle effect,

that other brass have that have no underwire.

It's just a perfect bra.

I wasn't like a special blanket kid,

but I became a special blanket adult.

I always have a scarf, it can double as a sleep mask,

and it can double as like a hood.

Sometimes I will kind of just like have it drapey.

You can make it nighttime really easily

if you need to take a nap,

you know, it's really good to have on set

where you can do emergency naps.

But then I'll also do like a whole hood thing.

Let's see, I haven't done it in a while.

Now wait, this is backwards.

I have to start forward, then go around, pull up

into kind of a little like hoodie guy

and then you got your ears warmed too,

and then you can kind of wrap it there.

I probably look silly. I normally do it in a mirror.

As you can tell by the fact

that I showed like a comfort scarf

and a PJ set and a sleep mask,

I'm very bedtime oriented.

So this sleep mask changed my life

and I'm now a full addict.

It has these detachable eye cups.

I'll detach one just to sort of, this is now a tutorial.

They make complete darkness

without having actual pressure on your eyes,

which I really like.

And, you know, sleep masks usually slip off at night,

this has a Velcro strap that you can tighten.

You know, I keep putting things on my head,

people are gonna kill me,

but you can tighten properly around the back

so that it doesn't come off at night.

And now I'm like fully addicted to sleeping in this thing.

Like if I don't have it,

I'll like tie something around my head.

I don't know, there's something magical about having

something tight wrapped around your head and your eyes.

It makes me just go like, Okay, [snores] it's bedtime.

So really, if I was gonna bring like my whole skincare

routine here, it would be pretty useless to anyone

because I realized that instead

of like spending way too much money on trying different

products that were recommended to me to help with my acne,

I should just go see a dermatologist.

So I did.

So if I showed you my skincare routine,

it would be some pills and some medical creams,

all of which you couldn't buy without seeing a doctor.

But one thing that I try to always keep in my purse

with me is just Vitamin E oil.

I buy it at Whole Foods. It's like amazing for cuticles.

It's an amazing like kind of shiny lip gloss.

I put it on when I have like a acne scar that's healing.

It does have this kind of shininess effect.

So if you put it on, you kind of get a little glimmer,

which is either a positive or a negative

depending on your relationship to being shiny on that day.

And then this is a sunscreen, concealer,

foundation, moisturizer, like all in one.

It's like 50 SPF, very important.

I try to wear sunscreen every day

and it also just like really evens out your skin tone.

My family isn't overly beauty focused,

but everything I know I learned from my mom.

Vitamin E oil.

These are a cure to my attention issues.

I love to watercolor.

I've water-colored since I was a little kid.

I love this brand of watercolor. It's beautiful.

It comes in a beautiful case. The colors are really bright.

I personalized this miniature set.

My real set is like twice the size of this

and then there's two layers.

Then I bring a watercolor book in here.

Mostly I do like weird imaginary color paintings while

I'm just like doing other stuff to try to calm my brain.

This is the original version of this card that I sent out

to announce this record Chaos Angel

that I'm promoting right now

and here's the real version.

And then I bring this with me, which is just

so many brushes.

Oh and apparently a flosser,

which I also could have considered an essential item.

[upbeat music]

I always try to carry a book with me in my bag.

Mostly it is an aspirational goal.

I've done this since I was a kid, like I used to go on trips

and I would pack like 20 books in my bag.

I've now usually narrowed it down to one.

I wouldn't read any of them,

but I would like how it made me feel

to put them on my side table

or to like have them spilling out of my backpack.

I feel like it would make me seem really smart

and thoughtful and busy

and I could hide in them from people.

Now sometimes I hide my phone on a page

and look at it while I look like I'm reading.

But I also read, I have read this book,

this is Tanglewreck, by Jeanette Winterson.

And this is a notebook. I always have a notebook with me.

I like, tuck Polaroids into them like that.

And I just always like to have it with me so I have a place

to write things down and be creative.

[soft music plays]

I am terrified of colds.

I almost just brought in 10 vitamins

for my 10 essential things.

I almost feel like I'd rather have like

the bubonic plague than a cold.

The things I really try to travel with

are Southern Ban Lan Gen.

I'm sure that that's not how you really say it,

but it's how I read it.

It was recommended to me by an acupuncturist when I had gone

through a period of like completely losing my voice

for a long time.

I was trying to get my voice back

and they were like, Drink this all day.

I think it's like kind of like a wonder drink,

and it's really sweet and I like how it tastes

and it's a yummy dessert drink.

And then there are these horrible,

disgusting things that I love,

the Liposomal Vitamin C and Liposomal Glutathione.

I think I still have nodules.

I did for a while in a way that was debilitating

and I've gotten them under control.

And one of the ways that I did that was with glutathione.

And then there's Liposomal Vitamin C,

which I think most people know about and have.

Also disgusting though, not as disgusting

as the glutathione.

[upbeat music]

Thank you so much for watching.

I hope you found something that was useful.

And please listen to my new album, Chaos Angel.

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