Never Lie Quotes

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Never Lie Never Lie by Freida McFadden
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Never Lie Quotes Showing 1-30 of 163
“I believe that any human being is capable of terrible things if you push them hard enough.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“How are you? The three most useless words in the universe of communication. Nobody who asks that question wants to know the answer. And nobody who answers ever tells the truth. “I’m fine, Paige.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“My mother always says the only way two people can keep a secret,” she says, “is if one of them is dead.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“Liars fidget. The tone of their voice or speech patterns changes. Liars offer too much information, babbling on with excessive detail to convince themselves or others of what they are saying.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“Human beings don’t deal well with rejection. Back when our ancestors were hunters and gatherers, being ostracized from a tribe was akin to a death sentence. For that reason, rejection is experienced by human beings as being incredibly painful. Studies using functional MRI have shown the same areas of the brain become activated both during rejection and during real physical pain.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“Psychological studies have demonstrated that men have more amorous feelings towards women wearing red than any other color. They are more likely to express the desire to take a woman wearing red out on a date, and are also willing to spend more money on the date. Moreover, the men in these studies could not identify the origin of these feelings. They just liked the girl in red.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“After all, my mother always said that the only way two people can keep a secret is if one of them is dead.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“It’s hard to arrest a man who is entirely fictional, isn’t it?”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“From an evolutionary perspective, females are more reproductively valuable than males. After all, we can only carry one pregnancy at a time while men can spread their seed more freely. As a result, male mammals must “earn” female reproductive access by offering gifts. It’s certainly not unique to humans, although I would say sheep or cows rarely find themselves in this particular conundrum. From a social psychological standpoint, traditional gender roles are often internalized for men. They feel obligated to make decisions and take control while women follow. By setting a precedent such as paying for a meal on a first date, the man is establishing himself as the dominant leader in the relationship and relegates the woman to the passive role.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“For that reason, rejection is experienced by human beings as being incredibly painful. Studies using functional MRI have shown the same areas of the brain become activated both during rejection and during real physical pain.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“My mother always said not to leave the house in shoes you can’t walk a mile in.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“How are you? The three most useless words in the universe of communication. Nobody who asks that question wants to know the answer. And nobody who answers ever tells the truth.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“Something terrible has happened in this house.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“Apparently, asking him to commit murder was a deal breaker.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“And where do the entrances to grocery stores usually leave you? In the produce department. You are surrounded by scents, textures, and bright colors that result in a surge of endorphins. The lighting of the store is manipulated to make fruits and vegetables appear at their brightest and best. And of course, the dairy aisle—one of the most popular locations to visit—is always hidden in the back of the store so you are forced to pass through a wealth of tempting products before reaching it.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“narcissistic personality disorder—the characteristics of this diagnosis include a long-term pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance, cravings for admiration, and impaired empathy.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“A psychological study demonstrated that cheating or breaking rules resulted in an unexpectedly good mood afterward. As well as a brief sense of freedom from all rules. So perhaps we should all bend the rules sometimes.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“went through a red light. While I don’t endorse breaking the law, there are mental health benefits to doing so. A psychological study demonstrated that cheating or breaking rules results in an unexpectedly good mood afterward. As well as a brief sense of freedom from all rules. So perhaps we should all bend the rules sometimes.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“conveniently at adult eye level, with the generic brands placed down by your knees. Sugary cereals or other items meant to appeal to children are placed at eye level for children. Even the giant size of the shopping carts is intended to encourage more purchases. “Even the music is meant to manipulate us,” I explain to Luke. “A study of supermarket”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“Isolation is not necessarily dangerous.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“shoppers found people spend more time shopping when stores play music. You’ll notice there are no windows or clocks or skylights that give you any external time cues.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“He rips his eyes away from the portrait and joins me by the bookcase. He looks over my shoulder at the photograph on the back of the book. “Adrienne Hale,” he reads off the back cover. “Isn’t she that shrink who got murdered?”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“That’s how I learned that there are earthquakes on the moon. And they’re called moonquakes.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“How are you?” How are you? The three most useless words in the universe of communication. Nobody who asks that question wants to know the answer. And nobody who answers ever tells the truth. “I’m fine, Paige.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“How are you? The three most useless words in the universe of communication. Nobody who asks that question wants to know the answer.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“Human beings don’t deal well with rejection.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“I always advise them you should never say “I love you” to another person unless that is what you’re feeling.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“No. We’re not going to do that.” “Why not?” “Because I want you.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“By setting a precedent such as paying for a meal on a first date, the man is establishing himself as the dominant leader in the relationship and relegates the woman to the passive role.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie
“But it’s going to get much worse when she gets the email from me terminating her as my agent.”
Freida McFadden, Never Lie

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