The Coworker Quotes

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The Coworker The Coworker by Freida McFadden
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The Coworker Quotes Showing 1-30 of 43
“Whatever else you can fake, it’s hard to fake being a genuinely kind person. It’s also exceedingly rare.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“After all, there’s nothing that binds two people like a shared secret.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“I’ve lived thirty years, and it has been utterly exhausting.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“That’s what it takes to catch your prey. Patience. We can all learn a lot from the soft-shelled turtle.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“As strange as Dawn’s schedule is, it’s even stranger that today she isn’t following it. I can’t help but think that Dawn’s absence must signify something ominous. After all, Dawn is never late. Never.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“used to get calls like that all the time, sometimes with just silence, but sometimes with a string of threats on the other line. But I haven’t gotten a call like that since… well, it’s been several months. I doubt it’s that same person—they have no reason to hate me anymore.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“When you’re smiling, people can hear it in your voice. I always smile during my sales calls—smile before you dial.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“For example, I asked him how often the refrigerator was cleaned. He looked surprised. So I explained to him that many bacteria such as Listeria can easily grow at cold temperatures. I had quite a lot of data on it, but when I tried to share those data with Seth, he didn’t seem to be interested.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“Kim Healey is my best friend at work, which sadly means that she’s my best friend in general since work has increasingly become my entire life.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“I explained in detail how the older you get, the chances of getting married decrease significantly. Because as more people in your own age group get married, the dating pool decreases, so your odds of finding somebody suitable to marry continue to go down.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“Help me. This is not like her at all. Something is wrong. I know it. Maybe everyone else at the office blew it off, but they didn’t hear the way Dawn sounded on that phone call. She’s in trouble.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“Although what I like best about Caleb is the way he looks at me. Like he can’t quite believe his luck.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“There are street lights, but they only illuminate the street.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“I don’t know why it always seems so dark after daylight savings time.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“Help me.” And then the line goes dead.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“It’s a lot harder when you’re alone. But you’re right. No matter what, you can’t let anyone know they’ve gotten to you. Because that’s when they win.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“I may not be Dawn’s best friend, but I know her well enough to know that she wouldn’t leave a bottle of wine uncorked on her kitchen counter. And she definitely wouldn’t leave broken glass on the floor.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“So given her current single status, Natalie is likely to never get married.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“I made a point of inviting her to the bridal shower we threw for her—even though she didn’t end up coming.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“While the male and the female are going at it, they twist their tails together as the semen passes from the male to the female. But the female doesn’t have to lay her eggs right away. She can hold on to the sperm for several years before laying her eggs, if she so desires.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“It’s not your fault.” It’s not. It wasn’t right of me to ask him to lie to the police. That’s not the kind of thing you ask your boyfriend of less than two months to do for you. That’s more of a six-month relationship request.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“Caleb is too honest. I can imagine him cracking and telling the detective the truth—we were together last night, but not the whole night.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“I get so frustrated sometimes. Why is it so hard for me to make friends? It’s so easy for other people. When I watch Natalie and Kim engaging in a conversation together, they have this great rapport and I get so jealous.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“can’t answer the door for a police officer when I have a murder weapon in my laundry hamper”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“I don’t know why, but somebody has framed me, and they have done a really good job. My life, as I knew it, is officially over.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“I wonder what Natalie will look like in her mugshot. Even she can't pull off a good mug shot photo. Even though she's beautiful. She's always been beautiful. Maybe if she weren't, she would be a better person.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“Hello?” I say. “Is anyone there? More silence. Just when I’m about to hang up, two words are spoken in a tortured female voice that send an icy chill down my spine: “Help me.” And then the line goes dead.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“It sounds like you’re totally fitting in though. I knew you would!”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker
“We will keep each other’s secrets to the grave.”
Freida McFadden, The Coworker

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