All Rhodes Lead Here Quotes

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All Rhodes Lead Here All Rhodes Lead Here by Mariana Zapata
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All Rhodes Lead Here Quotes Showing 1-30 of 230
“The people we lose take a part of us with them… but they leave a part of themselves with us too.”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“We don't get to choose who the people we love become or are, but you do get to pick if you want to stick around.”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“Because you had to remember the shitty parts of life to appreciate the good.”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“People cried over endings, but sometimes you had to cry over new beginnings. I wouldn’t forget what I’d left. But I was going to be excited—at least as much as I could be—about this start and however it would end.”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“I don’t know how anybody would let you walk away, and it isn’t going to be me. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever. Are we clear?”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“We love you—I love you—because you’re mine. Because being around you is like being around the sun. Because seeing you happy makes me happy, and seeing you sad makes me want to do anything I have to to get that look off your face.”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“Maybe you didn’t have to get over your fears completely to conquer them. Maybe if you just faced them in general that counted. Or at least that’s what I wanted to believe.”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“Hey,” he said. “Some days you pick up eagles like they’re chickens, and some days you run screaming away from innocent bats. I like you both ways, angel. All ways.”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“I found a place where I belong,
A place with love that feels like home again.”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“Don’t mistake me giving you space as me not being interested. It’s not every woman I let into my bed, much less into my life, and even more into Amos’s life. Before you, it’d been nobody. So just because I don’t know what your mouth tastes like yet doesn’t mean I haven’t thought about it. Doesn’t mean I’m not going to. But Sofie would tell you I’ve got a big, fragile heart, and I think I do, so I need you to know what you want for my sake too, Buddy. Does that make it clear?”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“No one ever told you how hard it was to make friends as an adult. But it was hard. Real hard.”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“I wasn’t as much of an adult as my birth certificate said I should be.”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“Most people are too scared to ever put themselves in a position to be criticized. You shouldn’t care what they think if they don’t have the guts to do what you’re doing. You have to remember that too. The only opinion that really matters is your own and other people you respect. Everyone is scared of something, and perfection isn’t realistic. We’re humans, not robots.”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“Aurora.” I looked at him over my shoulder. His jaw was tight again. The lines across his forehead were back too. “You look beautiful,” Mr. Rhodes said in that careful, somber voice a heartbeat later. “He’s an idiot for looking at anyone else.”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“I’m fine not being the first man she’s ever loved because I know I’m going to be the last.”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“You gotta come back."
"Come Back?" I echoed like I'd never heard those words before.
"Home," they said at the same time.”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“because killing people with kindness was so satisfying.”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“I love her. And I will gladly give her all the things you were too stupid not to give her. You wouldn’t even hold her hand in public, right? Or kiss her?” he basically taunted him. “I’m fine not being the first man she’s ever loved because I know I’m going to be the last.”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“We go through things together, we don’t give up on one another, and not over something like this. Isn’t that right?”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“You know, you keep on being nice to me, and I’m going to think you like me.” That big body stopped right where he was and one gray eye was on me over his shoulder as he asked in that rough, serious voice, “Who says I don’t like you?”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“When you lose enough, you learn to take happiness where you can find it. You don’t wait for it to be handed to you”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“Maybe every day wouldn’t be perfect and it was naïve to expect that, but every day could be good.”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“The hand on the back of my head swept down my spine, palming the small of my back, and there was no way I was imagining the fact he hugged me tight. “Don’t ever do that again, Aurora. Do you hear me? I know you can do this all by yourself, but don’t.”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“Before you, it’d been nobody. So just because I don’t know what your mouth tastes like yet doesn’t mean I haven’t thought about it. Doesn’t mean I’m not going to.”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“I know how I want you to feel, but I’m not rushing you. I know how I feel. I haven’t changed my mind about anything, especially not you. I only want you to be sure of what you want.”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“Grief was the final way we had to tell our loved ones that they´d impacted our lives. That we missed them so, so much.”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“Sometimes, maybe even more often than just sometimes, you were better off alone. Sometimes you had to learn to be your own best friend. To put yourself first.”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“He’d said the greatest way I could honor her life was by living mine, by being as happy as I possibly could.”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“When you lose enough, you learn to take happiness where you can find it. You don’t wait for it to be handed to you. You don’t expect it in big firework-like displays.”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here
“People cried over endings, but sometimes you had to cry over new beginnings. I wouldn't forget what I'd left. But I was going to be excited—at least as much as I could be—about this start and however it would end.”
Mariana Zapata, All Rhodes Lead Here

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