Can Man Live Without God Quotes

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Can Man Live Without God Can Man Live Without God by Ravi Zacharias
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Can Man Live Without God Quotes Showing 1-15 of 15
“I am absolutely convinced that meaninglessness does not come from being weary of pain; meaninglessness comes from being weary of pleasure. And that is why we find ourselves emptied of meaning with our pantries still full.”
Ravi Zacharias, Can Man Live Without God
“It is easier to hide behind philosophical arguments, heavily footnoted for effect, than it is to admit our hurts, our confusions, our loves, and our passions in the marketplace of life's heartfelt transactions.”
Ravi Zacharias, Can Man Live Without God
“I am absolutely convinced that meaninglessness does not come form being weary of pain; meaninglessness comes from being weary of pleasure.”
Ravi Zacharias, Can Man Live Without God
“For many in our high-paced world, despair is not a moment; it is a way of life.”
Ravi Zacharias, Can Man Live Without God
“Truth has been relegated to subjectivity; beauty has been subjugated to the beholder; and as millions are idiotized night after night, a global commune has been constructed with the arts enjoying a totalitarian rule.”
Ravi Zacharias, Can Man Live Without God
“The loss of something that is never thought of, felt, or sought for when lost is not a loss at all.”
Ravi Zacharias, Can Man Live Without God
“In some countries you love your neighbors, and in others you eat them.”
Ravi Zacharias, Can Man Live Without God
“Malcolm Muggeridge, that peripatetic journalist who traveled the globe for more than six decades of his life, said that if God is dead somebody else is going to have to take His place. It will either be megalomania or erotomania, the drive for power or the drive for pleasure, the clenched fist or the phallus, Hitler or Hugh Hefner. To”
Ravi Zacharias, Can Man Live Without God
“hold the view that all philosophizing on life's purpose is ultimately founded upon two fundamental assumptions, or conclusions.
The first is, Does God exist? and the second, If God exists, what is His character or nature?”
Ravi Zacharias, Can Man Live Without God
“I refer to the cross of Christ. The cross stands as a mystery because it is foreign to everything we exalt - self over principle, power over meekness, the quick fix over the long haul, cover-up over confession, escapism over confrontation, comfort over sacrifice, feeling over commitment, legality over justice, the body over the spirit, anger over forgiveness, man over God.”
Ravi Zacharias, Can Man Live Without God
“La esterilidad crónica del alma y la incertidumbre ante el futuro se deben claramente al exterminio del espíritu.”
Ravi Zacharias, ¿Puede el hombre vivir sin Dios?
“Es más fácil esconderse detrás de argumentos filosóficos, llenos de notas a pie de página para impresionar, que admitir nuestras heridas, nuestras confusiones, nuestros amores y nuestras pasiones en el mercado de las transacciones de la vida.”
Ravi Zacharias, ¿Puede el hombre vivir sin Dios?
“Uno de los golpes más sutiles pero drásticos de nuestra época es el modo en que algunos grupos de interés han luchado para alcanzar ciertas posiciones. Su táctica, astuta pero contraria a la lógica, consiste en redefinir palabras y prostituir ideas. Hechizados por los eslóganes, hemos trivializado aquello que es serio y exaltado aquello que es trivial porque nos hemos saltado los pasos básicos y necesarios de la argumentación lógica. Cuando violamos la razón y el lenguaje podemos perder de vista la realidad.”
Ravi Zacharias, ¿Puede el hombre vivir sin Dios?
“And in our search for morality and happiness outside of God, we have effectively lost all three—God, morality, and happiness.”
Ravi Zacharias, Can Man Live Without God
“Antitheism provides every reason to be immoral and is bereft of any objective point of reference with which to condemn any choice.”
Ravi Zacharias, Can Man Live Without God