Jamestown Quotes

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Jamestown Jamestown by Matthew Sharpe
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Jamestown Quotes Showing 1-9 of 9
“A friend who won't respond to what a friend can't ask is like a looking glass in which you cannot see yourself.”
Matthew Sharpe, Jamestown
“You know what love is because you've studied it, not because you've felt it. You never will. You know what love is? It's this insidious thing that infects your eyes and ears, spreads to every inch of skin, the follicles of hair on the skin, the lips, the tongue, a hundred million microscopic organisms crawling on you. They commandeer the hollow of your thorax and your guts, your arms, your legs, your head, and other extremities. You cease to be yourself. You are now a vessel of impressions and thoughts of the person you love, of wishes for her, of dreams of her. You're jealous of the air she breathes because she takes it inside her all day and needs it to live; it becomes her, as you want to. You cast your thoughts of her and you an hour, a day, a week, a year, a hundred years into the future. No thought has the power to push itself as far into the future as the thought of love—not even thoughts of fame, or wealth, or death.”
Matthew Sharpe, Jamestown
tags: death, love
“Respect pain. If we could truly imagine pain we don't feel, we would not survive a day, so we don't imagine it, we can't, and that indispensable glitch in the human machine is also ironically what lets us inflict pain on others at little cost to a good night's sleep.”
Matthew Sharpe, Jamestown
“Remember that one bares their teeth while laughing.”
Matthew Sharpe, Jamestown
“That they dared make a town of this wet and sucking thing that vied with my foot for my boot at every step bespoke the glorious and yearning bullshit of men's souls.”
Matthew Sharpe, Jamestown
“Still the most intense pleasure's but a splinter of ice on the gallons of lava that gush from my cracked heart.”
Matthew Sharpe, Jamestown
“[...] to you, unknown corporeal interlocutor who I hope is just kind of out there somehow knowing my thoughts and undertaking your own heroic struggle against the exigencies of having a body made of a trillion cells each with a hungry mouth [...]”
Matthew Sharpe, Jamestown
“Which do you think is an index of the more advanced civilization, knowing where the soap comes from, or not knowing?”
Matthew Sharpe, Jamestown
“To know and not act is to not know.”
Matthew Sharpe, Jamestown