2021 Reading Challenge
Participants 5,651,631
Books Pledged 306,760,011
Avg. Books Pledged 54
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
PamG has read 174 of 150 books in 2021.
  • Fangs & Fairy Dust by Melissa Monroe
  • Devil's Triangle by Brian C. Hailes
  • The Secrets of Bones by Levi Fuller
  • Christmas Witch by Willow Monroe
  • The Scent of Bones by Levi Fuller
  • Undenied by Sara  Humphreys
  • Calling of Ancestors by F. Kennerly Clay
  • True Wolf by Paige Tyler
  • Beach Wedding by Michael Ledwidge
  • Ocean Prey by John Sandford
Comments Showing 1-42 of 42 (42 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Good luck.

Britta (laptop down, will try to catch up when fixed) Happy New Year and good luck with your challenge! Hope you'll have many great reads this year.

message 3: by PamG (new)

PamG Andrea wrote: "Good luck."

Thanks Andrea.

message 4: by PamG (new)

PamG Britta wrote: "Happy New Year and good luck with your challenge! Hope you'll have many great reads this year."

Thanks Britta. You too!

message 5: by Eileen (new)

Eileen Good luck Pam!

message 6: by PamG (new)

PamG Eileen wrote: "Good luck Pam!"


message 7: by Jim (new)

Jim C Happy New Year Pam. Good luck with your challenge,

Sandysbookaday Have fun with your challenge Pam!❤📚

message 9: by TMR (new)

TMR Good luck.

message 10: by Luffy Sempai (new)

Luffy Sempai Good luck with your Reading Challenge! Thanks for rating and liking my reviews. Hope you have an even better 2021.

message 11: by Scott (new)

Scott Shjefte Ambitious goal! "Happy New Year and good luck with your challenge! Hope you'll have many great reads this

message 12: by Dilushani (new)

Dilushani Jayalath Good luck and happy reading Pam!

message 13: by Dan (new)

Dan Lutts Have a happy new year reading, Pam.

message 14: by İntellecta (new)

İntellecta Good luck and happy new Year Pam 🌸🍀

message 15: by Janete (new)

Janete on hiatus due health issues Great job! Congrats, Pam!

message 16: by Deb (new)

Deb Jones I hope it was a great experience for the most part. Congratulations!

message 17: by Book2Dragon (new)

Book2Dragon Congratulations!

message 18: by PamG (new)

PamG Janete wrote: "Great job! Congrats, Pam!"

Thanks, Janete!

message 19: by PamG (new)

PamG Deb wrote: "I hope it was a great experience for the most part. Congratulations!"

It was. There has been lots of great 4 and several 5 star reads this year.

message 20: by PamG (new)

PamG Book2Dragon wrote: "Congratulations!"


message 21: by Ben (new)

Ben Truong Congrats!

message 22: by Kezia (new)

Kezia Duah Congrats!!!

message 23: by Gloria (new)

Gloria Congrats on meeting your goal! Awesome job!

message 24: by Peter (new)

Peter Topside Great job!

message 25: by CarolG (new)

CarolG Congratulations! Nice selection of books. I may need to appropriate one or two of them!

message 26: by Eileen (new)

Eileen Great job!

message 27: by PamG (new)

PamG Thanks Ben, Kezia, Gloria, Peter, and Eileen! Happy Reading!

message 28: by PamG (new)

PamG Carol wrote: "Congratulations! Nice selection of books. I may need to appropriate one or two of them!"

Thanks, Carol. I hope you enjoy whatever you choose to read. Have fun!

message 29: by JoAn (new)

JoAn Congrats, PamG!

message 30: by Tony (new)

Tony Well done! LOL...your 'Read' list is like mine...kinda all over the map! :) It keeps reading interesting when you can go from one genre to another! Congrats Pam!

message 31: by Dan (new)

Dan Lutts Congratulations for completing your reading challenge, Pam!

message 32: by PamG (new)

PamG Thanks JoAn and Dan.

message 33: by PamG (new)

PamG Tony wrote: "Well done! LOL...your 'Read' list is like mine...kinda all over the map! :) It keeps reading interesting when you can go from one genre to another! Congrats Pam!"

Thanks, Tony! You're right. I read multiple genres to keep things fresh, interesting, and fun. I saw where you read something this year by James Rollins and by Steve Berry. They are two of my favorite authors.

message 34: by jv (new)

jv poore Righteous reading, PamG!

message 35: by PamG (new)

PamG jv wrote: "Righteous reading, PamG!"

Thanks, JV!

message 36: by Sarah-Hope (new)

Sarah-Hope Well done!

Britta (laptop down, will try to catch up when fixed) Congrats on completing your challenge, Pam! Well done. 😊

message 38: by PamG (new)

PamG Thanks Sarah-Hope and Britta!

message 39: by Alexander (new)

Alexander Peterhans Well done, Pam!

message 40: by PamG (new)

PamG Alexander wrote: "Well done, Pam!"

Thanks, Alexander!

message 41: by Sonja (new)

Sonja Pam, that is amazing!

message 42: by PamG (new)

PamG Sonja wrote: "Pam, that is amazing!"

Thanks, Sonja!

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