Irina Kermong

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The Lies of Locke...
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  (page 214 of 752)
May 28, 2024 05:55PM

Irina Kermong is currently reading
by Marissa Meyer (Goodreads Author)
Reading for the 2nd time
read in October 2021
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Irina Kermong Irina Kermong said: " SHE DID IT.

I was never in doubt the story would get a happy ending, but I was really curious to know how Marissa Meyer would tie all these loose threads and characters together, and she did it. After a month spent with them in audiobooks (and Rebecc
...more "

"There's still so much plot to go through and I'm really curious to see how it will all tie up, because HOLY SHIT" Oct 22, 2021 08:17AM

Bringing Down the...
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See all 4 books that Irina is reading…
Raven Kennedy
“That’s the thing with trauma to the body—it shows up instantly. In breaks and bruises, in burns and in blood. But the trauma on the inside, that’s harder to see. It creeps around your mind, poisons you with disquiet. It can hit you out of nowhere, debilitating and ruinous. There are no marks visible for those. None, save the shadows in your eyes.”
Raven Kennedy, Glow

Suzannah  Rowntree
“Then the diamond descended like a weight on the lace at my bosom, and the collar cinched close around my neck. So far, so good. I turned. “How do I look?” “Like a grand duchess,” Vasily murmured into my ear before stepping away.”
Suzannah Rowntree, Dark Clouds

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