Chloe A-L

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Alexis  Hall
“Yeah. Turns out bisexuals ain’t like quinoa. You get ’em round my way too.”
Alexis Hall, Rosaline Palmer Takes the Cake

49526 YA LGBT Books — 13360 members — last activity 1 hour, 4 min ago
For anyone who enjoys LGBTQ books written for young adults. We're a friendly, supportive group that provides a non-judgmental place to discuss the boo ...more
53316 Graphic Novel Reading Group — 5360 members — last activity Jul 22, 2024 02:44PM
This is a place where lovers of the Sequential Art form of Literature (graphic novels, comic books, manga, etc.) can get together and talk about their ...more
41424 Anarchist & Radical Book Club — 2427 members — last activity Jul 03, 2024 02:10PM
This is a group to read and discuss anarchist practice and theory, by gathering a large body of anarchist literature, non-fiction, and theory, as well ...more
25x33 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious club — 88 members — last activity Nov 19, 2020 11:21AM
This club is just for some riddles, regular ones more like polls. Shops are open from January 1st, 2021. 10 xp = 1 gold, while 1 gold = any amount of ...more
year in books
Violet ...
593 books | 1,450 friends

Jess th...
4,964 books | 4,988 friends

747 books | 4,499 friends

592 books | 512 friends

2,605 books | 92 friends

Sara Mu...
1,536 books | 49 friends

2,913 books | 2,467 friends

53 books | 260 friends

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