Richard Dominguez

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Superman: Kryptonite
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"May be the best Superman story I have ever read" 9 hours, 38 min ago

Hannah Mary McKinnon
“We're all a little evil on the inside.”
Hannah Mary McKinnon, Never Coming Home

“I made my life difficult
By showing what I'm not
Instead of what I am
But this is what
They want to see

…The systems divide
Because they are unfair
And make the evil look good
And the good look evil”
Jazalyn, Rose: Future Heart

Vladimir Mayakovsky
“Tomorrow you’ll forget
that I have crowned you,
that I burned my flowering soul with love,
and the whirling carnival of trivial days
will ruffle the pages of my books…
Would the dry leaves of my words
force you to a stop
gasping for air?
At least let me
pave with a parting endearment
your retreating path.

—Vladimir Mayakovsky, from “Lilichka! (Instead of a Letter),” Backbone Flute: Selected Poetry Of Vladimir Mayakovsky. (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform April 18, 2008)”
Vladimir Mayakovsky, Backbone Flute: Selected Poetry

Soma Kar
“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
- Albert Einstein”
Soma Kar

Agatha Christie
“Instinct is a marvelous thing. It can neither be explained nor ignored.”
Agatha Christie, Black Coffee: A Mystery Play in Three Acts

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FREE Kindle E-Books from Amazon. 2 Bingo games with $25 GC Prize Reading Challenge with (4) $25 GC Prize Reading Challenge with (2) $10 Amazon GC Read ...more
1111928 Buzzwordathon — 6225 members — last activity Jul 09, 2024 08:00PM
The Buzzword Readathon (#buzzwordathon) is a monthly readathon, running the first week of each month (1st through 7th). Each month will have a designa ...more