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Romantic Comedy
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Book cover for Salt to the Sea
Your boots, they are expensive, well made. That tells me that you come from a wealthy family. But the style is one made for an older woman. That tells me they probably belonged to your mother. A mother sacrificed her boots for her daughter. ...more
Courtney and 72 other people liked this
India M. Clamp
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India M. Clamp
Rebecca Reeder
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Rebecca Reeder
Ruta Sepetys is an auto-buy author for me! I liked Salt to the Sea, but I think my favorites of hers are The Fountains of Silence and I Must Betray You.
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Try this fantastic book "The Purpose Code : Cracking the Secrets of The Meaningful Life". By - Amatya Agyey on Amazon
Marcus Aurelius
“Death smiles at us all; all we can do is smile back.”
Marcus Aurelius

1148185 Vernal Virtual Book Club — 41 members — last activity Jul 04, 2024 08:16PM
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229758 The F.A.B. Book Club — 10 members — last activity Jun 05, 2024 06:57PM
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