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Pathogenesis: A H...
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by Jonathan Kennedy (Goodreads Author)
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Michael J. Sullivan
“Kile?” she stopped him.
He turned.
“I’m sorry,” she said.
For the first time, he appeared at a total loss. “Sorry? I don’t understand. For what?”
“This must be awful for you.”
“This must be awful . . . for me?”
“I don’t know what it is you did, what crimes you committed, but I can see this penance of yours is beyond horrible. I’d rather be the forest than the fire. Whether you succeed or not, allow me to add my voice to the many who must have thanked you over the centuries for what you are trying to do.”
Kile stared at her, dumbfounded. He blinked, balled his hands into fists, wet his lips, then took a deep and steady breath.
“What?” she asked.
“You are the first.” He turned quickly and headed for the door.”
Michael J. Sullivan, Farilane

Michael J. Sullivan
“There are moments in time that are incredibly cruel. The worst occur when true greatness begins to bud but is snuffed out before the blossom. You are the star allowed only to flicker briefly in the morning light, erased by the rising sun.”
Michael J. Sullivan, Farilane

Brandon Sanderson
“What did you do, as a son, when the father you loved—the greatest man alive—started to lose his wits?”
Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings

Astrid Stérin
“« Alors, quelle est la première étape ? Je pourrais être votre assistant, si vous voulez.
— Éloignez tout de suite vos mains de mes flacons, espèce d’ignare. »”
Astrid Stérin, Automates & Fiançailles
tags: humour

Michael J. Sullivan
“You would be the greatest ruler the world has ever known. You won’t be able to help it. Your term as empress would be the candle burning brightest just before darkness consumed all—and I am not exaggerating when I tell you, it quite literally would.”
Michael J. Sullivan, Farilane

106503 ♥ Nothing Better Than Reading!! ♥ — 6231 members — last activity Jul 08, 2024 06:51AM
We strongly believe that life means happiness and happiness means books. And what's more, we have room for everyone here! Slow reader, quick reader, ...more
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#BTSReadAThon is happening from 22nd (at midnight in your time zone!) until 28th of August and it's a great way to power through your tbr pile before ...more
178272 EAT, SLEEP, READ, REPEAT. — 274 members — last activity Oct 21, 2018 12:21PM
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152441 Book Riot's Read Harder Challenge — 26789 members — last activity Jul 10, 2024 04:34PM
An annual reading challenge to to help you stretch your reading limits and explore new voices, worlds, and genres! The next challenge begins January 2 ...more
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