Kurryreads (Kerry)

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Looking Glass Sound
Kurryreads (Kerry) is currently reading
by Catriona Ward (Goodreads Author)
bookshelves: currently-reading
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  (page 112 of 342)
"Excuse me this is so good???" 9 hours, 40 min ago

A Sorceress Comes...
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"Not into it so far. The writing it great but the story itself up to this point isn’t piquing my interest" Jul 10, 2024 07:58PM

Only One Survives
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"Struggling with the timeline jumps to the high school days... It feels super YA and it’s just making it difficult for me to get invested in the story with all the juvenile issues the characters are having. I was hoping to have this as my last book for June but it’s looking like it’s rolling into July" Jun 30, 2024 08:33PM
