28225370 Sadie's Friend Comments

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Richard Dominguez thank you for the friend

message 6: by Alice

Alice Thank you for accepting! I follow you on Instagram too. :)

Catherine Thank you for accepting my friend request, Sadie! ♥

message 4: by Ted

Ted I see McCammon's Mystery Walk is on your TBR. Did you catch the author's latest tweet?

message 3: by Red

Red Lace Reviews Thanks for accepting, Sadie! :D <3

message 2: by Kelly

Kelly Sadie, the last thing I need is another series on my tbr but I couldn't resist your praise of the Miriam Black series by Chuck Wendig. I just ordered the first 3 books. Can't wait to try them! Hope your holiday season is going well, and good luck with the move.

Kyriakos Sorokkou Thanks for the friendship acceptance Sadie!! Happy Readings! 😊 📚

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