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message 1: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (last edited Dec 31, 2023 02:57PM) (new)

Brenda | 77032 comments Mod

Whether you loved it or hated it, tell us about it :)

message 2: by Suz (new)

Sandysbookaday  (sandyj21) | 204 comments My first read for 2024 is ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐! What a great way to start the year. The Lawson Legacy by Janet Gover The Lawson Legacy by Janet Gover

message 9: by Krystal (new)

Krystal (krystallee6363) | 2130 comments My first review of 2024 for my last read of 2023!

Faebound by Saara El-Arifi

Faebound (Faebound, #1) by Saara El-Arifi

message 10: by Marianne (new)

Marianne (cloggiedownunder) | 9628 comments Tilda is Visible is a brilliant adult debut by Australian author, Jane Tara that is bound to strongly resonate with women of a certain vintage. 5★s

message 12: by PattyMacDotComma (new)

PattyMacDotComma | 3061 comments Charles Dickens is known for many things, but this spooky story about a railroad worker seems different to me. The Signal-Man could easily have been a Twilight Zone episode.

The Signal-Man by Charles Dickens My review of The Signal-Man

message 13: by PattyMacDotComma (new)

PattyMacDotComma | 3061 comments The Tilt, by excellent Aussie author Chris Hammer, is the second in this rural mystery series, but it would be just as good as a standalone. Homicide detectives in small towns are up against generations of feuds and loyalties.
The Tilt (Ivan Lucic & Nell Buchanan, #2) by Chris Hammer My review of The Tilt

message 14: by Carolyn (last edited Jan 01, 2024 10:41PM) (new)

Carolyn | 9350 comments My review of Murder at the Wedding (Miss Underhay Mysteries #7) by Helena Dixon Murder at the Wedding by Helena Dixon, another excellent mystery in this enjoyable series.

message 15: by Sanjib Dash (new)

Sanjib Dash BookishDramas (sanjibkd) | 95 comments Spare
1 star for an entire year to read this.

My review here -

message 16: by Rachel (last edited Jan 02, 2024 01:08AM) (new)

Rachel (mimbza) | 489 comments When the Apricots Bloom by Gina Wilkinson When the Apricots Bloom by Australian author, formerly foreign correspondent in Iraq, Gina Wilkinson, is a suspenseful book about three women in Iraq, their secrets, and what they are prepared to go through for the sake of their families. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ here is my review

message 17: by Rosh (new)

Rosh (roshreviews) | 452 comments Happy New Year, everyone!

Ended 2023 with two mixed historical fiction reads.

1. Dinner with Churchill by Robin Hawdon
Dinner with Churchill by Robin Hawdon
A great book in the first half, but went on a downwards spiral in the second half. The postscript killed it entirely. But the Churchill-related historical research is excellent.

2. The Leftover Woman by Jean Kwok
The Leftover Woman by Jean Kwok
Might have worked better for me had it not been marketed as a mystery-thriller and had the plotting been tighter.

message 18: by Rachel (new)

Rachel (mimbza) | 489 comments The Translator by Leila Aboulela The Translator by Sudanese author Leila Aboulela is a gentle slow-burn romance between a widowed Sudanese translator struggling to adjust to life in Aberdeen and a university professor. Here is my review

message 19: by Rachel (new)

Rachel (mimbza) | 489 comments Against the Loveless World by Susan Abulhawa Against the Loveless World is an award winning novel by Palestinian Kuwaiti author Susan Abulhawa about the heartbreaks and challenges that lead to a young woman being imprisoned as a terrorist in an Israeli prison.⭐⭐⭐⭐ here ismy review

message 20: by Rachel (new)

Rachel (mimbza) | 489 comments The Secret Life of Winnie Cox by Sharon Maas The Secret Life of Winnie Cox by Guyanese author Sharon Maas is a story of secrets, romance, and a dawning awareness of the suffering of others on the sugar plantations in British Guiana in 1910. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ here is my review

message 21: by Rachel (last edited Jan 02, 2024 02:28PM) (new)

Rachel (mimbza) | 489 comments The Desert and the Drum by Mbarek Ould Beyrouk The Desert and the Drum by Mbarek Ould Beyrouk is the first book from Mauritania to be translated into English. It is about the life of a young Bedouin girl who flees from her tribe carrying their sacred drum with her. Here is my review

message 22: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

message 24: by Carolyn (new)

Carolyn | 9350 comments My review of Shadow Over the Fens (DI Nikki Galena #2) by Joy Ellis Shadow Over the Fens by Joy Ellis, #2 in the DI Nikki Galena series

message 25: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77032 comments Mod
It looks like you're going to be one ahead of me again this year Carolyn!! haha!

message 26: by Andrea (new)

Andrea | 2029 comments The Hunting Party by Lucy Foley proved to be perfect New Year reading for me last week.

The Hunting Party by Lucy Foley

message 29: by Marianne (new)

Marianne (cloggiedownunder) | 9628 comments The Wayward Sisters by Kate Hodges, a mix of history, astronomy and witches, not quite my cup of tea, so 3★s

message 32: by Andrea (new)

Andrea | 2029 comments AA Jo Dixon's new thriller A Shadow at the Door didn't rock my socks, but it was a good holiday read.

A Shadow at the Door by Jo Dixon

message 36: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

message 44: by Mary (new)

Mary (bookworm60) | 365 comments The Murder Mystery Book Club 4★

message 47: by Marianne (new)

Marianne (cloggiedownunder) | 9628 comments Despite Gisella Ohaka's slightly erratic narration, the first book in Rosie Sandler's Gardener Mysteries, Seeds of Murder is a quite enjoyable cosy. 4★s

message 49: by Marianne (new)

Marianne (cloggiedownunder) | 9628 comments Scott Brick's narration of Gregg Hurwitz's Orphan X series is always entertaining, and his rendition of The Last Orphan is no exception. 5★s

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