Julie's Reviews > Being Henry: The Fonz . . . and Beyond

Being Henry by Henry Winkler
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bookshelves: 2024, e-book, memoir, non-fiction

Being Henry: The Fonz and Beyond by Henry Wrinkler is a 2023 Celadon Books publication.

My reaction to this memoir was unusual. As I turned the last page, I really thought, for the first time, that I might have been given a real glimpse into what life as an actor might be like. I even mused that maybe it was because when choosing memoirs, I usually gravitate towards those written by musicians. So, out of curiosity, I looked up my memoir shelf on Goodreads and was surprised – Make it shocked! - That I’d read so many biographies and memoirs about actors. I don’t guess any of those books painted a realistic picture of what happens to actors in the down times- when you are waiting for the phone to ring. It was nerve wracking, I have to say.

The book is written with a humorous tone- but for a long time there was a humming melancholy running beneath the surface. Henry made me laugh numerous times, but he seemed to live his life in a kind of tense desperation- desperate to reclaim the level of fame he had while on Happy Days, desperate to be ‘seen’, desperate to be taken seriously as an actor and desperate to maintain financial security and to stay employed. His personal life was also overshadowed by a hardcore grudge against his parents that never seemed to wane. On the other hand, Henry has a long-term marriage, children, grandchildren and stability- though he wasn’t always as emotionally mature or ‘there’ for his wife in key moments of their lives.

Yet by the time the book begins to wind down to present day events, we do see that Henry has matured, has made peace with some of his issues, and is now prepared to inspire and guide others, vowing to be as gentle and kind as possible going forward.

Overall, it was a very interesting memoir, well done- insightful and balanced. It was one of those times when I found I liked Henry more after reading the book than before- which is not always the case. He was not at all like I expected him to be, and his journey gave me some food for thought on several levels.

If you like celebrity memoirs this is one you might want to make room for on your bookshelf.

4 stars
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Reading Progress

June 2, 2024 – Started Reading
June 2, 2024 – Shelved
June 2, 2024 – Shelved as: 2024
June 2, 2024 – Shelved as: e-book
June 2, 2024 – Shelved as: memoir
June 2, 2024 – Shelved as: non-fiction
June 10, 2024 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-34 of 34 (34 new)

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message 1: by Debra (new)

Debra Terrific review, Julie!

Julie Debra wrote: "Terrific review, Julie!"

Thanks very much, Debra!! 💖

message 3: by Ceecee (new)

Ceecee Terrific review Julie 💖

Julie Ceecee wrote: "Terrific review Julie 💖"

Many thanks, Ceecee!! 💖

Tina (touring the Volunteer state-back soon) He seems like such a nice guy! A wonderful review Julie dear 💞

Julie Tina wrote: "He seems like such a nice guy! A wonderful review Julie dear 💞"

Thanks very much, dear Tina!! 💖

message 7: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Lovely review Julie, I loved Happy Days ❤️‍🩹

Julie Maureen wrote: "Lovely review Julie, I loved Happy Days ❤️‍🩹"

Thanks so much, Maureen!! I did too! 💖

message 9: by Amy (new)

Amy Great review! He always comes across as a nice guy in interviews and stuff.

Julie Amy wrote: "Great review! He always comes across as a nice guy in interviews and stuff."

Thanks very much, Amy!! He seemed pretty down to earth. 💖

Marialyce Such an enjoyable human being. Great review, Julie!

Julie Marialyce wrote: "Such an enjoyable human being. Great review, Julie!"

Thanks so much, Marialyce!! 💖

Angela Great review, Julie!

message 14: by Heidi (new)

Heidi Wonderful review— purchased this for the mister at Christmas— he really enjoyed it for the same reasons— it feels authentic. I’ll read it— after I pick up the Barbra memoir that it sitting on top of it! lol 😂

message 15: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen Great review for an amazing actor, Julie!

Julie Angela wrote: "Great review, Julie!"

Thanks very much, Angela!! 💖

Julie Heidi wrote: "Wonderful review— purchased this for the mister at Christmas— he really enjoyed it for the same reasons— it feels authentic. I’ll read it— after I pick up the Barbra memoir that it sitting on top o..."

Thanks very much, Heidi! I hope you enjoy it. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it! 💖

Julie Canadian Jen wrote: "Great review for an amazing actor, Julie!"

Many thanks, dear Jen! 💖

message 19: by Yun (new)

Yun Great review, Julie! Glad you enjoyed! :)

Julie Yun wrote: "Great review, Julie! Glad you enjoyed! :)"

Thanks so much, Yun!! 💖

message 21: by Glen (new) - added it

Glen I always thought it was too bad Winkler's movie career never panned out.

Julie Glen wrote: "I always thought it was too bad Winkler's movie career never panned out."

I agree. I wish he'd had more success in films, too.

message 23: by Kat (new)

Kat Terrific review, Julie! It's nice when a memoir has that authenticity to it. I'm glad you enjoyed it! 💗

Julie Kat (will try to catch up soon!) wrote: "Terrific review, Julie! It's nice when a memoir has that authenticity to it. I'm glad you enjoyed it! 💗"

Thanks very much, Kat!! 💖

Margaret M - (too far behind to catch up although trying to spend more time on GR) Superb review Julie 💖

Julie Margaret M - (on holiday wrote: "Superb review Julie 💖"

Thanks so much, Margaret!! 💖

Persephone's Pomegranate I've heard of this actor but I don't think I've seen him in anything. Great review.

Julie Persephone's Pomegranate wrote: "I've heard of this actor but I don't think I've seen him in anything. Great review."

Thanks so much, PP!! He was famous for "Happy Days' back in the 70s. He won an emmy for 'Barry' which was on HBO for about 4 seasons, I think. 💖

message 29: by Whitney Erwin (new)

Whitney Erwin Wonderful review, Julie!

Julie Whitney Erwin wrote: "Wonderful review, Julie!"

Thanks very much, Whitney!! 💖

message 31: by Holly (new)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Wonderful review Julie! 🩷

Julie Holly wrote: "Wonderful review Julie! 🩷"

Thanks very much, Holly!! 💖

message 33: by Books Just 4 Me (new)

Books Just 4 Me Glad it was more insightful than other memoirs!

Julie Books Just 4 Me wrote: "Glad it was more insightful than other memoirs!"

Thanks very much, BJ4M!! This is one of the better memoirs I've read. 💖

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