Julie's Reviews > One Summer in Paris

One Summer in Paris by Sarah Morgan
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bookshelves: 2024, contemporary-fiction, e-book, hqn

One Summer in Paris by Sarah Morgan is a 2019 HQN publication.

After twenty-five years of marriage, Grace’s husband David, on their anniversary, no less, announces he wants a divorce. Grace had planned a big surprise for them… a summer trip to Paris- but now, Grace has decided to take the trip alone. Things get off to a rough start, but she meets a young woman named Audrey, who needs help… which just so happens to be Grace’s forte. But along the way she learns that it’s okay to think of herself, to accept help and advice, and to live in the moment…

Audrey manages to find her way to Paris, but things quickly go awry because she doesn’t speak French, which jeopardizes her living arrangements. But when she comes to Grace’s rescue on the streets of Paris, she finds an advocate who can help her learn the language.

Two very different women, a big age difference, and entirely different approaches to life, will forge a magical bond over one summer in Paris…

I nearly always enjoy Sarah Morgan’s books- and for the most part that was the case here- but- there were a few warbles. So, let’s get those out of the way first…

I can’t, without going into details that would lead to spoilers, say too much here- except that in all the years of reading romances novels, there is only one trope that I utterly despise, and though Morgan did not trot it out in its usual annoying way here, it was still the same concept, and it never fails to push my buttons. (There are a few exceptions-like abuse- but that’s not the case here at all.)

There were a few other issues that gnawed at my moral code. I’m a firm believer in “two wrongs don’t make a right.” Don’t- while you are still emotionally attached, don’t while legally married- even if separated. Also, casual hookups for fun- that’s a no for me. Emotional consequences abound, which is seldom addressed- so I couldn’t celebrate that line of thinking with the characters or the author.

Okay- all that said- I still really enjoyed the book overall. I loved the age difference between Grace and Audrey and how both learned something from the other and helped each other in big gesture ways. This was my favorite part of the book. With all the vitriol between generations these days it was great to see two women be respectful and kind to each other despite the age gap.

The romance elements were not my favorite as you might have guessed already- but I did like the direction Grace decided to go in the end. I thought it was refreshing, a bit of a different approach than usual, and I found myself approving of Grace’s inner musings and honesty about her own failings and willingness to admit it to herself and to others.

Overall, the romance of Paris is lovely- but the friendship between Grace and Audrey wins the day. An enjoyable contemporary women’s fiction story. Hopefully, I’ll have time to squeeze in Morgan’s newest release before summer’s end.

3 stars
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Reading Progress

May 16, 2024 – Started Reading
May 16, 2024 – Shelved
May 16, 2024 – Shelved as: 2024
May 16, 2024 – Shelved as: contemporary-fiction
May 16, 2024 – Shelved as: e-book
May 16, 2024 – Shelved as: hqn
May 31, 2024 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-20 of 20 (20 new)

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message 1: by Ceecee (new)

Ceecee Great review Julie 💜

message 2: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Great review Julie, glad you enjoyed it overall ♥️

message 3: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen Terrific review, Julie.

Julie Ceecee wrote: "Great review Julie 💜"

Thanks very much, Ceecee!! 💖

Julie Maureen wrote: "Great review Julie, glad you enjoyed it overall ♥️"

Many thanks, dear Maureen!! 💖

Julie Canadian Jen wrote: "Terrific review, Julie."

Thanks very much,Jen! 💖

message 7: by Yun (new)

Yun Great review, Julie! Glad this was mostly a lovely read! :)

Julie Yun wrote: "Great review, Julie! Glad this was mostly a lovely read! :)"

Thanks very much, Yun! 💖

message 9: by Catherine (new)

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! Wonderful review, Julie! 💝

Karla Brandenburg Nice review. I struggled, as well, and chose to pass on writing a review for that reason, but you’ve highlighted the highs and the lows brilliantly.

Julie Catherine wrote: "Wonderful review, Julie! 💝"

Thanks so much, Catherine! 💖

Julie Karla wrote: "Nice review. I struggled, as well, and chose to pass on writing a review for that reason, but you’ve highlighted the highs and the lows brilliantly."

Many thanks, Karla!! This type of review is so hard to articulate. It took me nearly a week to post it! Hopefully, I'll have better luck with my next book by this author.💖

message 13: by Kat (new)

Kat Lovely review, Julie! I can see why those issues would bother you, but I'm glad you enjoyed this overall! 💗

Julie Kat (will try to catch up soon!) wrote: "Lovely review, Julie! I can see why those issues would bother you, but I'm glad you enjoyed this overall! 💗"

Thanks very much, Kat!! 💖

Tina (touring the Volunteer state-back soon) Sorry to hear your despised trope was used in this one. I'm trying to figure out which one...might not be a book I'd enjoy a lot either. Excellent review dear Julie 🌷

Julie Tina wrote: "Sorry to hear your despised trope was used in this one. I'm trying to figure out which one...might not be a book I'd enjoy a lot either. Excellent review dear Julie 🌷"

Thanks so much, Tina!! It's the dreaded 'secret baby'- but it wasn't done in the usual way here- still very selfish and usually unforgivable for me. 💖

Persephone's Pomegranate Fantastic review, Julie. I hope your next read is much better.

Julie Persephone's Pomegranate wrote: "Fantastic review, Julie. I hope your next read is much better."

Many thanks, PP!! 💖

message 19: by Books Just 4 Me (new)

Books Just 4 Me Great review! I share many of your thoughts and don’ts 😉

Julie Many thanks, BJ4M!! 💖

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