PamG's Reviews > The Last Hope

The Last Hope by Susan Elia MacNeal
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bookshelves: historical-mystery, mystery-thriller-suspense, netgalley-2024, read-2024

The Last Hope by Susan Elia MacNeal is the eleventh and final book in the Maggie Hope historical mystery series. Maggie Hope has had numerous jobs including secretary to Winston Churchill, a defuser of bombs that were dropped in London by the Germans, but had not exploded, and currently, a spy. In this one Maggie is sent to Madrid, Spain, with a few stops along the way. She has two parts to this mission. The first part is to meet with fashion designer and possible double agent Coco Chanel. The second task is to assassinate a German physicist, Werner Heisenberg. Meanwhile there are events and revelations occurring in Maggie’s personal life. The events occur in 1944.

The characterization is well done. Maggie is a mathematics major, enjoys recognizing patterns, word games, and puzzles. She’s also been trained as a spy, is a skilled marksman, and has a complicated personal and family life. Her internal conflicts felt realistic and appropriate.
The writing is well-done, the plot is engaging and thought-provoking, as well as heart-wrenching during at least one scene. It was interesting to get insight into the somewhat neutral countries and life within them. Several strong themes run through this novel including the horrors of war, betrayals, spies, collaboration, assassinations, double agents, blackmail, guilt, propaganda, and much more.

Overall, this novel is entertaining and moving. It’s a strong and impactful tale with plenty of action and suspense. I feel like this series is best read in series order. The back-story will enhance a reader’s enjoyment and understanding as the series progresses. Readers who enjoy historical mysteries and espionage novels will likely enjoy this book.

Random House Publishing Group – Ballantine – Bantam and Susan Elia MacNeal provided a complimentary digital ARC of this novel via Net Galley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own. Publication date is currently set for May 21 2024.
My 4.02 rounded to 4 stars review is coming soon.
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Reading Progress

May 1, 2024 – Started Reading
May 1, 2024 – Shelved
May 1, 2024 – Shelved as: to-read
May 1, 2024 – Finished Reading
May 2, 2024 – Shelved as: historical-mystery
May 2, 2024 – Shelved as: mystery-thriller-suspense
May 2, 2024 – Shelved as: netgalley-2024
May 2, 2024 – Shelved as: read-2024

Comments Showing 1-17 of 17 (17 new)

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message 1: by Karen (new)

Karen Hi Pam. It has been so long since I have read a Maggie Hope book. I am so impressed that you are at #11! What is Maggie up to now, I wonder?! 😉

PamG Karen wrote: "Hi Pam. It has been so long since I have read a Maggie Hope book. I am so impressed that you are at #11! What is Maggie up to now, I wonder?! 😉"

Hi, Karen. Unfortunately, I've only read one other book in the series (# 9 The King's Justice). I believe # 11 is the last one in the series.

message 3: by TXGAL1 (new) - added it

TXGAL1 Yes, you’re right, Pam. This books is the last in the series. I’m sad about this as I’ve really enjoyed the books I’ve read in this series. 🥲

message 4: by Tiziana (new)

Tiziana Many thanks for your review, it looks interesting and thanks to you I added it to my TBR shelf ;-)

Sandysbookaday How have I missed this whole series, Pam? 🤷‍♀️Adding this to my series list. Thanks. 💕📚

message 6: by Liz (new)

Liz Great review.

PamG Tiziana wrote: "Many thanks for your review, it looks interesting and thanks to you I added it to my TBR shelf ;-)"

You're welcome. Happy Reading.

PamG Sandysbookaday wrote: "How have I missed this whole series, Pam? 🤷‍♀️Adding this to my series list. Thanks. 💕📚"

You're welcome. Happy Reading.

PamG Liz wrote: "Great review."

Thanks, Liz.

message 10: by Elshams (new)

Elshams Beautiful review

message 11: by PamG (new) - rated it 4 stars

PamG Elshams wrote: "Beautiful review"

Thanks, Elshams.

message 12: by Wendy (new)

Wendy Walker Great review, PamG! I am glad you loved the book so much. It's always good to read a book with a well done characterization. Also, this book looks packed with all sorts of interesting things. I can see why you liked it so much.

message 13: by PamG (new) - rated it 4 stars

PamG Wendy wrote: "Great review, PamG! I am glad you loved the book so much. It's always good to read a book with a well done characterization. Also, this book looks packed with all sorts of interesting things. I can..."

Thanks, Wendy. You're right. This one was packed with a lot to wrap up the series.

message 14: by Allison (new)

Allison Keith Superb review, Pam!

message 15: by PamG (new) - rated it 4 stars

PamG Allison wrote: "Superb review, Pam!"

Thanks, Allison!

message 16: by TXGAL1 (new) - added it

TXGAL1 Wonderful review, Pam. 🥰

message 17: by PamG (new) - rated it 4 stars

PamG TXGAL1 wrote: "Wonderful review, Pam. 🥰"


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