Nevin's Reviews > Here After

Here After by Amy  Lin
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bookshelves: memoirs-biography

I am really sad to give 3 stars to this book….

Several things bothered me but before I get to that, I must add something very personal.

Unfortunately, I am very intimately familiar with grief. I lost my daughter to leukemia 10 years ago and I recently lost my husband to sudden death syndrome.
I have been grieving constantly for the last 10 years. I know firsthand what it means to lose a loved one or in my case, loved ones. 😞 I know the deep pain of, loneliness, isolation, anger, sadness, depression, anxiety and million other emotions that are tied to grief.

I was really excited to pick up this memoir because I felt it would speak to my heart like some other books I read about grief. For example I recently read “I Promise It Won’t Always Hurt Like This” by Clare Mackintosh which absolutely blew be away! That book was able to compose all the feelings I felt inside of me.

Unfortunately I had two major problems with Here After.

One, the author really didn’t go deep enough into her pain. It always felt as if she was skirting around it but was too afraid to delve deeper into her grief. Maybe it is still too raw for her?

The other issue is her writing style. It was too choppy and all over the place for me. It didn’t flow well.

Having said all that, I get her. I know it’s really hard to write about yourself in such detail. It’s hard to expose yourself to the world. I applaud her honesty and courage.
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Reading Progress

April 22, 2024 – Started Reading
April 22, 2024 – Shelved as: to-read
April 22, 2024 – Shelved
April 23, 2024 –
April 24, 2024 –
April 25, 2024 – Shelved as: memoirs-biography
April 25, 2024 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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message 1: by Debra (new)

Debra I'm so sorry for the loss of your daughter and husband, Nevin. I'm sorry this book didn't quite work for you. Great review! I'm glad that Clare Mackintosh's book worked for you.

message 2: by Yun (new)

Yun So very sorry for your loss, Nevin. Thank you for sharing something so personal in your review.

Nevin Thank you Debra 🙏 I am still shocked to lose my husband so suddenly. He was too young. 😞

Nevin Thank you Yun. 🙏 Grief is a very complex and personal for each person. There is no timeline or rules. I wish I would’ve loved this book more!

message 5: by Ceecee (new)

Ceecee I knew you lost you daughter but now your husband??? I’m so so sorry Nevin and sending my sincere condolences. Sorry the book didn’t work out as well as you hoped- I’ve got the CM book and gave t read it yet, not sure why. 💕🤗

Nevin Thank you so much Ceecee 💝 I am struggling with both of my losses. Grief is a very hard and painful road to walk 😔

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