Gretal's Reviews > Children of Anguish and Anarchy

Children of Anguish and Anarchy by Tomi Adeyemi
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did not like it

Oh boy. This book was bad, but Amari's gay thoughts were finally recognized and acted on so I guess that's a small win.

This trilogy is quite possibly one of the most frustrating ones I've ever read. Every book feels so disjointed from the others, and it's so weird and sad because I think the first one is pretty universally acknowledged as the best one, with the rest going downhill from there. There were just way too many new things, plots, worldbuilding, and characters introduced in this finale to the trilogy. Pretty much nothing felt like it logically connected to what was set up in previous books, and as I write this, I'm realizing that certain characters just completely vanished from the story here? Very very bizarre. If you liked the first book in this trilogy, I'd recommend skipping the rest and saving the souring of that first book, unfortunately.
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Reading Progress

February 23, 2024 – Started Reading
February 23, 2024 – Shelved
February 23, 2024 –
10.0% "I'm just so perplexed by this trilogy. How do you publish the final book 4 and a half years after the rather poorly received second book and not try and make it better than this 😭 It has me questioning whether the first book was ever even that good."
February 24, 2024 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Tine (new)

Tine I keep hearing that key characters just disappeared from the story. Can you please let me know if Roën is one of them and if there's a reason why??

Gretal Tine wrote: "I keep hearing that key characters just disappeared from the story. Can you please let me know if Roën is one of them and if there's a reason why??"

yeah.... he's one of them and there really is no reason given, zélie is just like, I hope he's alive and that's pretty much it.

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