emma's Reviews > Chain Gang All Stars

Chain Gang All Stars by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah
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oh my god.

this book is the most surreal and the most gory, and at the same time its dystopian world is so lifelike, so painful to read because it so closely mirrors the one we live in. one of injustice, one of violence. one of innocent people locked up and one of people who do bad and change. a world where punishments are not intended to reform, but to ignore.

reading about the criminal justice system in america is opening yourself to an injustice you will ever un-know.

this does the same through fiction.

bottom line: unforgettable.


tbr review

had me at best book of the year
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Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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message 1: by Amy (new) - rated it 4 stars

Amy This book gave me way bigger emotions than I expected (also ended up switching to the audiobook halfway through and wishing I had done that the whole time bc the voice acting was spectacular)

Holden Wunders Definitely one of the best books I’ve ever read

message 3: by luisa (new)

luisa i read friday black by the same author and loved it! really curious about this one

message 4: by William (new) - added it

William Cooper it looks great!!

emma Amy wrote: "This book gave me way bigger emotions than I expected (also ended up switching to the audiobook halfway through and wishing I had done that the whole time bc the voice acting was spectacular)"

i can see this making a great audiobook!

emma Holden wrote: "Definitely one of the best books I’ve ever read"

so good

emma luisa wrote: "i read friday black by the same author and loved it! really curious about this one"

i added that one to my list!

emma William wrote: "it looks great!!"

it is!

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