Aditi Dwivedi's Reviews > Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things

Hidden Potential by Adam M. Grant
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it was amazing

'This book is not about ambition. It's about aspiration. Ambition is the outcome you want to attain. Aspiration is the person you hope to become.' I was drawn in by these words on the 7th page of the book. I had to put the book down and think about my own ambitions and aspirations. In fact, after every few pages, I felt the need to take a pause to absorb and reflect on the points mentioned by the author.

This book is a gold mine, each chapter unfolding the wealth of knowledge in most simple yet engaging manner. This is my first Adam Grant book, and I am already looking forward to exploring his other works. Although it falls in the category of self-help books, but it is far from preachy. Adam Grant's mastery in psychology and his stature as a social-scientist clearly reflects in his writing. The concepts are beautifully intertwined with real life examples, and they feel authentic and achievable. Reading about once-ordinary people who have made it big in this world with simple acts of honesty and persistence gives hope and brought a smile to my face more than once.

Hidden potential is about believing that there is untapped potential waiting to be realized in each and every one of us. How and at which-point-in-life does one reach to the level of excellence is dependent on many factors and circumstances. Interestingly, Grant covers these factors and support system with real life stories and demonstrates how opportunities (or lack thereof) and a network of assistance significantly impacts one's growth trajectory. From parents and educators to organizations and mentors, each entity plays a crucial role in nurturing a high potential individual.

The differentiating factor of this book is the stories that bind the whole narrative. Any person or incident mentioned in the book has been thoroughly researched and presented with compassion, not merely as a subject. Take, for instance, the story of son of an immigrant family, who couldn't hold a conversation in English in his early years but went on to become an Astronaut with NASA at the age of 47. Another remarkable tale is about how The Royal Academy of Music changed its rules to admit a deaf musician who is now recognized as world's first and finest solo percussionist artist. Adam Grant has used these and many more real life inspirational stories to convey his points. Even if the concepts fade away, these stories will remain.

As soon as I completed the book, I had a strong urge to start it again. I already know that this will be one of those books I will keep going back to. What makes revisiting this book easy is the simple yet Impactful illustrations covering almost all points conveyed in the text. In fact, they can act as an elaborate pictorial summary of the book. A comparable reference book to capture the essence of this read would be 'Atomic Habits'. If you enjoyed Atomic Habits, you are bound to love Hidden Potential. I am on to shortlisting my next Adam Grant book, happy reading folks.
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message 1: by Nitish (new)

Nitish Agrawal Thank you for this intriguing trailer! Can’t wait to start this!

message 2: by Manvi (new)

Manvi Yadav Sold! Even if this book is half as good as this review, it will be worth investing my time!

Aditi Dwivedi Manvi wrote: "Sold! Even if this book is half as good as this review, it will be worth investing my time!"

It is! will wait for your review..

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