*.✧ m i k h a ✧.*'s Reviews > Here After

Here After by Amy  Lin
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really liked it

You think sadness has a kind of beauty, he tells me once. I don’t, I say but he is right. He is not right anymore. He is not anything anymore.

Such a vulnerable, raw confession of what grief can look like. I didn't want to rate this book at first because of just how deeply exposing this book must have been for Lin. The changing time frames holds weight as the reader is empathetic to Lin's current grief before being pulled into a past memory in which the reader gets know Kurtis and feel the emptiness of his not being there in the present. This memoir felt as though we were sitting one-on-one, Lin recounting her and Kurtis' story to me.

How does one rate a memoir so raw and emotional as this?
- 06.12.24
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Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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message 1: by Caleb (new)

Caleb Bedford On a scale from 1 to 5, typically, using half stars if necessary.

message 2: by Stephanie (new) - added it

Stephanie If the emotional value is incalculable, I default to 5. It’s a feat.

*.✧ m i k h a ✧.* Caleb wrote: "On a scale from 1 to 5, typically, using half stars if necessary."

Get out of my comments lol

*.✧ m i k h a ✧.* Stephanie wrote: "If the emotional value is incalculable, I default to 5. It’s a feat."

Very real, very valid

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