Mara's Reviews > Bright Young Women

Bright Young Women by Jessica Knoll
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: recommended-to-me, physical-owned, 2023-gr-mys-noms

4.5 stars - This actually did what I HAVE SOME QUESTIONS FOR YOU thought it did. This could have benefited from an edit in the middle of the book, but overall, both entertaining and thought provoking
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Reading Progress

August 29, 2023 – Shelved
Started Reading
November 16, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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message 1: by Teddy (new)

Teddy Ahahah, somebody's reading the nominees. Good you like them at least :D

message 2: by Veronica (new) - added it

Veronica Lara I did not have the fortitude for this book. I got about 30 pages in, had already cried once and was scared to walk around my house at night.

Mara Veronica wrote: "I did not have the fortitude for this book. I got about 30 pages in, had already cried once and was scared to walk around my house at night."

Ooof, yes, very fair! It's an intense read

Mick  Travel I loved it though. I know it is fictionalized, but it felt very real to me nevertheless.

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