Dea's Reviews > Bright Young Women

Bright Young Women by Jessica Knoll
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did not like it
bookshelves: arc

Unfortunately this was a miss for me. It's billed as a mystery/thriller but is essentially true crime (a retelling of the Ted Bundy murders). I generally hate multiple POVs and timelines as nobody ever gets developed properly, and sadly this is true here - there are just too many people and threads to unravel. The beginning was strong and I appreciate that the catalyst for action (murders) happen quickly and we get into the action immediately; however, given the gripping subject matter, the book shouldn't have felt flat, slow, and monotonous for major portions. I really enjoyed the author's Luckiest Girl Alive and will look for their next effort.
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August 28, 2023 – Shelved as: arc
August 28, 2023 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-18 of 18 (18 new)

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Elizabeth Paladeau Agree 100% w this

message 2: by Jody (new) - added it

Jody I agree too. Also, it was pretty confusing at times.

message 3: by Liz (new) - rated it 2 stars

Liz 100% this. I finished the book and it missed in a lot of areas

Elizabeth Agree!

Frank Phillips I 100% agree with this. I'm having to force myself to finish this

message 6: by Deb (new) - rated it 3 stars

Deb Sanchez Agree. Confusing and choppy. Too many unnecessary characters. Why add a daughter into Pamela's story? I rarely have to go back to figure out what part someone plays in the story, but had to do that too often in this story.

message 7: by Pam (new) - rated it 3 stars

Pam just finished and totally agree! I loved Luckiest girl alive, and the premise for this one sounded like a winner, but it fell flat for sure. Glad it wasn't just me getting confused with timelines and too many characters.

Dana I’m halfway through and may give up on it. Confusing, slow, and just not cutting it for me.

Becca Weitzel I agree with ALL of this!!

Rebecca I feel so validated. I’m 80% of the way through with no desire to finish. It’s confusing, slow and unnecessarily drawn out.

message 11: by Rhonda (new) - added it

Rhonda Fair review, Dea! I hope you love your next read! 💖😊

TARA (semi-hiatus): My dog’s health is not good🐕‍🦺❤️‍🩹my reviews WBL— I am sorry this was a miss for you; I hope you enjoy your next read! Fair and honest review, Dea! I loved this one!

Jeanette Terrible writing and point of view progressions. Spot on.

Ashlee Kellock I couldn’t finish it.

Debbie ☕️ Agree, not enough character development for a good read

Heba Elbard I forced myself to finish it. I don’t even feel accomplished. It was awful.

Arielle Cox I never DNF books, but I was super close with this one. I did not enjoy any parts of this.

Vanessa Lombardo I am currently reading this book and I’m a little upset that I bought the book instead of borrowing it from the library. This is my first Jessica Knoll book and it might be my last. I agree with everyone’s comments above. 👎🏽

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