PamG's Reviews > The Enemy at Home

The Enemy at Home by Kevin O'Brien
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bookshelves: historical-mystery, read-2023, publisher-sent

The Enemy at Home by Kevin O’Brien is a historical fiction novel with a murder mystery set in 1943 in Seattle, Washington. The story spans about one month. Before the war, Nora Kinney was comfortable in her role as housewife, mother, and wife to her husband, Pete. Her doctor husband is now stationed in North Africa and Nora wants to do more than help with scrap metal drives and tending a garden. She starts working at the Boeing plant and learns to use a riveting gun.

Nora encounters chauvinism, racism, and people who aren’t accepting of others’ way of life. On top of this, she is concerned she’s neglecting her daughter and son. When one of Nora’s new coworkers is strangled in her apartment, it is only the beginning of a terrifying time for women supporting the war efforts. Nora becomes an amateur sleuth trying to solve the murders.

The plot is twisty and changing throughout with several potential killers. It gradually builds momentum and the period details felt authentic. However, I didn’t feel that I learned anything new from the novel and the killer was somewhat easy to discern. Despite this, the world-building was well-done, and story gave excellent insight into the main and secondary characters’ behaviors and actions towards others.

Overall, this story is thought-provoking and suspenseful.

Kensington Books provided a complimentary physical copy of this novel. All opinions expressed in this review are my own. The publication date was August 22, 2023.
My 3.88 rounded to 4 stars review is coming soon.
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Reading Progress

August 14, 2023 – Started Reading
August 14, 2023 – Shelved
August 14, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
October 31, 2023 – Shelved as: historical-mystery
October 31, 2023 – Shelved as: read-2023
October 31, 2023 – Shelved as: publisher-sent
October 31, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-5 of 5 (5 new)

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message 1: by Thomas (new)

Thomas George Phillips It certainly sounds like an interesting read.

PamG Thomas wrote: "It certainly sounds like an interesting read."

It is. I'm reading it in between other books so it will take me a while to finish it.

message 3: by Christy (new)

Christy fictional_traits Ooh - I’ll look forward to your review!

message 4: by Bonnie (new)

Bonnie DeMoss Great review. I haven't read this one but one of my requirements of Historical Fiction is that I must learn something, so I know what you mean.

PamG Bonnie wrote: "Great review. I haven't read this one but one of my requirements of Historical Fiction is that I must learn something, so I know what you mean."

Thanks, Bonnie. If someone has never heard of "Rosie the Riveter" or the internment camps in the US during WWII, then they would learn something new. Unfortunately, that information wasn't new material for me. Despite this, I enjoyed the book.

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