Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell's Reviews > Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat by Richie Tankersley Cusick
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bookshelves: ya-ya-land, horror, thriller

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RTC is one of my favorite YA horror authors. She's a little bit up and down in terms of quality but for the most part, she writes exactly the sorts of stories that I went. The best ones have multiple hot guys, gothic elements, and some dramatic one-liners that wouldn't be out of place in a dark romance.

TRICK OR TREAT is set during Halloween. Martha's father has just remarried and they've moved to a big house out in the countryside and she has a hot and brooding stepbrother named Conor. But pretty soon, things get kind of weird. Apparently there was a murder in their house, and the girl who used to live there looked a lot like Martha.

As the book goes on, Martha starts receiving creepy phone calls and feels like she's being watched. Just like Elizabeth did before she was murdered by her ex-boyfriend... who was never found. Is it her stepbrother who has a secret passageway that leads into her room? The sexy young creative writing teacher with boundary issues? The golden boy? Or someone else?

This is one of the better RTC books I've read but the ending falls into a twist that I've seen this author do at least three times. Now I almost always see it coming and it kind of spoils the surprise. Also, I wish more had come from the stepbrother element. I thought that was kind of risque for a YA novel. If this had had a stronger ending and a better twist, I would have given it a five.

3.5 stars
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Reading Progress

June 24, 2023 – Started Reading
June 24, 2023 – Shelved
June 24, 2023 – Shelved as: ya-ya-land
June 24, 2023 – Shelved as: horror
June 24, 2023 – Shelved as: thriller
June 25, 2023 –
page 0
0.0% "Needed reassurance that I haven't lost my faith in RTC"
June 25, 2023 –
4.0% "Oooooh she kind of likes her stepbrother?? YAS"
June 25, 2023 –
9.0% "The fact that there's a scarecrow has horrifying implications considering that this author wrote an adult horror novel called SCARECROW that partially scarred me for life, it was so twisted"
June 25, 2023 –
13.0% "So there's two Suspicious Hot Guys and one of them is the stepbrother. This is quite the scandalous little Point Horror novel and I stan.

P.S. It's on Kindle Unlimited right now."
June 25, 2023 –
June 25, 2023 –
18.0% "The hot young teacher drives a Jaguar? How much were they paying teachers in the '90s?!"
June 25, 2023 –
18.0% "“There was a murder in your house,” Wynn said quietly. “Everyone knows the old Bedford place is evil.”

The way I just screamed with delight"
June 25, 2023 –
22.0% ""I’m going to bed. I need to rest my overactive imagination.”

Omg what an amazing sign-off. I need it."
June 25, 2023 –
25.0% ""You’re the kind of date to take to dinner — you sure wouldn’t cost much.”

Fling this man out with the rest of the garbage"
June 25, 2023 –
30.0% ""He killed her on Halloween."

*chef's kiss*"
June 25, 2023 –
36.0% "“A romance?” Greg bent close to her, lowering his voice dramatically. “A mysterious stranger who sneaks into girls’ rooms at night and —”

You're her teacher, my dude. Totes inappropes."
June 25, 2023 –
41.0% "I love how the heroine's reaction to her 'friend' saying, "Don't worry, I'm not your friend just because your stepbrother is hot" is "I wasn't thinking that until you said that.""
June 25, 2023 –
44.0% "She felt each stab of the knife going through her, and everywhere she turned there were blood-spattered walls — and her killer was real, but she couldn’t see his face because he was wearing a mask…."
June 25, 2023 –
49.0% "The town and valley lay at their feet — a checkerboard of dark green and rusty brown and gold, the hills muted, the bare woodlands swathed in gray."
June 25, 2023 –
54.0% "“Elizabeth,” the voice scolded, “don’t you like being in the house all by yourself?”

“Who is this!” Martha screamed.

“You’re mine, Elizabeth … trick or treat.”
June 25, 2023 –
74.0% "The way the feminism just plumb leaves my body whenever there's a villainous love interest"
June 25, 2023 –

My favorite gothic romance trope"
June 25, 2023 –
91.0% "“I’m the one who really loved you … don’t you see? I would have loved you best of all…. But no — you always wanted to be together.” The voice sounded sad. “And now you will be. Forever.”"
June 25, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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message 1: by Chelsea (new)

Chelsea Love this author! The House Next Door was one of my favorites in middle school!

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Chelsea wrote: "Love this author! The House Next Door was one of my favorites in middle school!"

I wish I could meet her! I love her books... but I've never read that one!

message 3: by Mark (new)

Mark Let's see what we have here: Nenia... Point Horror.... Yep, everything checks out!

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Mark wrote: "Let's see what we have here: Nenia... Point Horror.... Yep, everything checks out!"

I just love Point Horror so much lol

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